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Baldur's Gate Wiki

Wondrous Recall is a 6th level spell for all Divine spell casters available in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition.


This spell enables the caster to bring back to memory 2 spells that have been previously cast. If no spells have been cast yet, nothing happens. Wondrous Recall cannot recall 6th-level or higher spells.


  • Higher level spells will take priority in the restoration queue over lower-level spells. Since the spell simply checks the current spell book at the time of its activation, you can exploit this mechanic by replacing the used-up spells with the ones you want to "restore". You can even select spells during the casting animation.

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Spell Revisions mod has changed this Divine spell, revising its description and some internal coding. See below for description:

Wondrous Recall
Level: 6
School: Alteration
Sphere: Charm, Creation
Range: Personal
Duration: Instant Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the caster to bring back into memory two spells that have been previously cast. If no spells have been cast yet, nothing happens. Wondrous Recall cannot recall 6th-level or greater spells.

Note: This spell is available to all Divine spell casting classes.

External links[]
