The Elemental Level is the second dungeon floor area of Watcher's Keep. It is located below the Watcher's Keep Altar Level.
The party has accepted Odren and the Knights of the Vigil request for help in reinforcing the seals to keep the Imprisoned One confined in perpetuity by reading the Ritual Scroll on the lowest level of the keep's reaches. The party has possession of the Vigil Stone which is needed to enter the keep, and to leave and return again later.
The Watcher's Keep Altar Level has been previously explored by the party, and the first portal gate has been successfully opened, allowing travel to the next lower floor, the Watcher's Keep Elemental level.
Player's goal[]
Explore the map, overcome obstacles, traps, enemies and find necessary items in order to obtain the Portal Key to unlock the Portal Gate and continue below to the next keep level.
Area description[]
This floor of the keep is first entered by way of the Portal Gate on the previous floor, and the party steps through a similar one into this level.
The floor-level is a beautifully crafted architectural marvel. A large circular rotunda is observed, with a high domed ceiling. Soft luminescence bathes the room from the glow provided by the two portal gates positioned on the east and west of the chamber.
At the northeast side of the room is an elaborate cage made from some kind of metallic alloy. Within can be seen a hulking winged-fiend of some kind, staring intently at the party.
There are four closed arched doorways with ornate metal double-doored gates positioned at equal distance on the circumference of the rotunda. They lead to the north, east, south, and west.
Each gate connects to a short hallway that leads to:
- North - Fire Elementalist Library
- East - Air Elementalist Library
- South - Slime Elementalist Library
- West - Ice Elementalist Library
Each library is in-turn connected to two other hallway passages at opposite ends. One hallway leads to its own laboratory, and the other to a different Elementalist Laboratory.
The hallways leading to the opposing or different laboratory have closed doors and may be locked and possibly trapped to prevent free travel between them.
Resting on this dungeon level[]
If the party rests on this dungeon level, there is random chance of the rest being interrupted "You are awakened from your rest..", with Devil Shade creatures.
On the map[]
Gameplay and walkthrough (abbreviated)[]
Walkthrough explanation: This walkthrough is done in a specific order that is considered the optimal path. The reasons for this aren't subjective, but objectively based because the developers have made the path forward in this dungeon level in a somewhat linear fashion. For example, clues are given on how to proceed, and certain doors are barred and can't be opened without possession of certain keys or scepters. This order of what to do first, second, and so forth is not mandatory, but the player will eventually come to an impasse and will have to, eventually, backtrack and perform these steps in order to complete the adventure. With that said, explore the dungeon as you wish, and the walkthrough below is offered as the most streamlined path.
Enter the central portal room[]
The party travels through the portal gate from Watcher's Keep Altar Level to this area.
The party is positioned in a certain manner by the game, facing the large magical cage just to the north of the room. After a few tics of the game clock the creature inside the cage opens up dialogue.
The demon in the cage, who is the Chromatic Demon, will now have an exchange of dialogue with the party.
Ask questions and reply as desired. If the party doesn't want to have anything to do with the creature, and shuts down the dialogue, then the party will be basically stuck, and can't progress to the next level in Watcher's keep.
Regardless of the feelings toward this demon, it is necessary to find out what needs to be done to free the fiend from its cage, so that the creature can open up the portal gate - otherwise the party is going nowhere further in their adventure inside Watcher's Keep.
Agreeing to free the demon and finding out what to do next to achieve that will lead to the demon giving the ultimate goal and registering the Gather the four scepter keys quest entry in the player's Journal.
The party is now free to pursue the quest as they see fit, and the player can take control of the characters.
It is suggested to first explore the area behind the closed gate to the north side of room, just to the rear of the demon's cage.
This gate leads to the Fire Elemetalist Library.
Enter the Fire Elementalist Library[]
Open the gated doorway and move within the library. Most likely two armed Fire Giants will be seen - they are hostile.
If they detect a party member they will move forward and attack.
It is possible to retreat and draw the two giants out, allowing more party members to engage with missile fire and stay out of melee range.
Charging into the library could prove hazardous due to invisible traps present, and the party may not be able to detect these without being nearby the enemies.
These giants can hit hard, plus they deal additional fire damage on a successful hit.
A party member in range will probably be hit, even with a very good armor class. Best to use some additional defenses to reduce the risk. These giants will quaff a Potion of Superior Healing when heavily damaged, increasing their survivability.
While exploring and examining the library area, it is likely that one of the party members will trigger an encounter over by the east side of the room, where a corridor is.
This will be challenge from the Imp (Elemental Level), who demands:
- Hey, you! Yeah, I'm talking to you! Only the masters are allowed in the libraries... what are you doing here?
This dialogue initiates an exchange with the Imp, that requires a chain of questions and responses from the party. The Imp will provide some important background information about this place and give some advice that is absolutely true about how to navigate this area the right way, after all, the Imp served the "masters" here.
At the conclusion of the exchange the party will know that the Elementalist Wizards each had their own agenda, library and laboratory, described as:
- There were four masters, and each kept a library and a lab. Air, slime, cold, and fire were the magics that they practiced. The masters' pets and creations probably still inhabit their labs, so beware. Some of them are near-unkillable if you don't know how to hurt them. A little hint for you: The masters were always planning to kill each other. Each master could use his unique elemental power against one of the others.
The imp makes another telling remark:
- This whole place is powered by a magical fan—without it, all the labs shut down. If you want to find anything besides empty rooms, you should start that fan up again. So before you go stumbling into something you can't handle, you should check out all the libraries. The masters were into some pretty strange stuff... but at least they kept written lab notes of their work. These notes will be invaluable.
Before any more questions can be asked, the Imp closes out the conversation and departs the area in a fiery flash, gone for good.
The player's Journal will now register two entries:
- Journal entry: The elemental wizards - According to the imp, this level of the dungeon was run by four elemental wizards, each of who had a library and a laboratory. The imp claims that the wizards were always plotting to kill each other and kept notes on how they would destroy the near-unkillable creations of their enemies. If these creations still exist, I should find these notes to discover how I might kill the wizards' pets.
And a second one:
- Journal entry: Activating the fan - According to the imp I stumbled across, this entire level is powered by a magical fan which must be turned on in order to activate the various laboratories. I wonder if the fan has any other uses?
On the western side of the laboratory is another corridor leading towards a closed metal gate. The temperature quickly rises in this space, and a text displays on the player's combat log reading: "The crackle of flames and the smell of smoke assails your senses. A blast of heat from the room causes your skin to redden and blister."
Enduring the heat is tough, and if the party attempts to open the gate, it finds that the passage is locked. Nothing seems to work to open it at this time.
Finish combing through the various shelves and compartments in the library, take whatever objects and items are desired. Make sure to look for one of those written records the Imp spoke of and retain/read the Fire Library Note. This information is essential for later actions by the party.
The party will recall that the Imp made it clear to "start that fan again" so that the Wizards labs are not empty. In fact, as the party explores the eastern passageway from the library where the Imp appeared, another closed gate is seen. Unlike the gate over on western side of the library, this gate isn't locked.
Enter the Air Laboratory (activate the magical fan)[]
Opening the gate to the next room allows the party to observe a circular room - probably the Air Laboratory. Within can be seen a central switch apparatus with a wheel, some electrodes or other unknown machinery along the perimeter, and to the north, a massive fan unit with stationary impeller blades. Some sort of cables or conduits crisscross the floor and connect to the central switch. Another closed gate is also seen over at the eastern side of the chamber.
With little else to try, a party member can approach the central switch and activate it with the cursor and "click" upon it. This action will initiate the magical fan to begin circulation, and a text is displayed on the screen reading:
- You turn the wheel, and the fan starts with a rush of air. The air begins to form into vaguely humanoid shapes.
Each party member receives 20,000 XP and four air elementals appear nearby the wheel-switch unit, who are hostile.
The group of elementals is actually two Greater Air Elemental and two Lesser Air Elemental creatures. Also, hidden from view initially is an invisible Guardian of Air.
The Air Guardian is similar to a slightly tougher Aerial Servant/Invisible Stalker type of foe.
Attention to one tricky part of this encounter, is that along the southern part of the room are two hidden proximity trigger zones that will cause the electrode globes mounted on the perimeter of the map to begin firing regularly timed chain-lightning electricity bolts at any party members inside the room. There are actually three different kinds of electricity power that will rotate, about every round. Damage ranges from 4d4, 4d8 to 4d10 Electricity damage, and there is no saving throw, and it bypasses Mirror Image, Spell Immunity and Magic resistance. However, a Minor Globe of Invulnerability can prevent this damage. The Air elementals and Guardian of Air are immune to these particular electricity bolts. (Reference SPWI025, 26 and 27)
As to what the party should be trying to achieve here is to find the Air Scepter, and defeat all the hostile enemies, and not perish while attempting that. Pretty simple goal, but it might be tougher than it sounds.
The elementals will periodically be activating their innate Air Elemental Whirlwind. Additionally, the Air Guardian will appear from hiding after it attacks. The player may notice their party members being knocked unconscious for brief periods as well, getting knocked backwards and suffering some crushing damage. This is occurring from the fan's air currents in the room (ref: SPIN643.spl). There is no saving throw or resistance to this air turbulence buffeting effect.
If the chain-lightning is initiated in the room, this place can be quite hazardous to those unprotected from lightning bolts. Focus on defeating the Guardian of Air, and if it is killed the creature will drop the Air Scepter. This item is one of the objects sought to free the Chromatic Demon, but it also serves as a key to open another door, and more importantly, allow the party member to shut off and turn on the magical fan. With the Air Scepter in hand, interact with the central wheel switch to shut off the device and to stop those lightning bolts and damaging air turbulence.
Once the creatures and guardian are destroyed and the fan is turned off by the Air Scepter, the party can move forward by opening the gate on the southeastern edge of the room.
Enter the Air Elementalist Library[]
When ready, open the gate to a corridor on the southeastern side of the Air lab. The gate will be unbarred if the party has the Air Scepter in their possession.
Moving forward to the east the party observes another furnished library ahead. There is a small hallway connected to the main central rotunda, and another corridor across the library on the southeastern side.
It is probable that a group of golem creatures will be seen in the center, and if they detect the party, will immediately initiate their innate golem powers such as Golem Haste from the Clay Golem, and Golem Slow from the Stone Golem.
If there is an Iron Golem present, that creature will most likely discharge a Gas Cloud after a few rounds. These golems will be under a Haste effect and will charge toward the party and attempt to crush all intruders.
Destroy the golems and then explore the library. Be cautious and check for hidden traps. Numerous items and books are discovered. The party will also find the Air Library Note.
Collect any items desired and prepare to move forward, with additional information gleaned from the Elementalist Wizard of Air's notes. It seems as though the Air Wizard was particularly keen to destroy the Slime Wizard and his creatures.
Enter the Slime Laboratory[]
A corridor leads south eastward to a shut gate ahead. Moving cautiously forward, the explorer is aware of a pungent odor, and a text message displays:
- You smell the rank, acrid stench of noxious fumes wafting up from the polluted pool in the room just beyond the gate.
To open the gate, the party must possess the Air Scepter. When ready, open it up and within can be seen a circular shaped chamber with another closed gate on the southwestern edge.
In the center of the room is a pool of noisome bubbling ooze. there are also four vertical glass tubes containing a greenish bubbling mixture. These are described as:
- Within the tube is a bubbling, seething mixture of fetid gases and putrid liquids.
Several cables or hoses are connected to the various tubes and pool as well as to the perimeter walls - they are laying on the floor and can be stepped over.
Inside the chamber are seen some amorphous Green Slime blobs undulating toward the party and some kind of Poison Mist creatures. Most strangely is a massive snake creature that rapidly moves menacingly forward and attacks. This giant snake is the Guardian of Slime.
If the party enters the chamber to engage these creatures, a few moments later the chamber quickly fills with a noxious gas. This occurs even if the magical fan is on the highest setting in the Air laboratory. The cloud will inflict 3d10 Poison damage every round a party member is exposed. Unlike a Cloudkill spell, this potent gas isn't blocked by magic resistance and has no saving throw.
If a party member gets close to the central pool, it will trigger an acidic attack, which is actually a point blank Melf's Acid Arrow spell.
All of these creatures can be destroyed by the party, and none of them are invincible. Although the Air Library Note gives some advice about using the fan to clear the toxic gas and to use lightning to halt the slimes, there is no requirement to do so, and frankly, that advice is more of an embellishment than a fact.
The party may notice that the central ooze pool in the chamber keeps on producing a green slime periodically (see the screenshot left).
This is triggered by a party member's presence in the room and occurs about every three rounds. The pool will continue to "manufacture" a slime creature seemingly forever. Experience point "farming" is possible here, but the slime is only worth 65 XP, so that's not really good use of adventuring time.
Collect the Slime Scepter from the corpse of the Slime Guardian. Also, if desired, search the central ooze pool in the chamber for a Unique component.
The gate on the southwestern edge of the chamber can't be opened at this time. Some sort of key is needed to unbar it.
As this chamber is a decidedly unhealthy place to remain, grab the loot and get out of the slime laboratory chamber at first opportunity.
Enter the Slime Library[]
The next logical step forward in the Gather the four scepter keys questline is to find the Ice Scepter to go along with the Air and Slime Scepters already collected.
Prepare to enter the gate from the central rotunda room and take the southeast passage behind it. The party will observe another library ahead, full of furnishings and shelves.
The room has a corridor leading to the northeast (to the Slime Laboratory) and another to the southwest (to the Ice Laboratory).
Most likely, a group of smallish Mutated Spider creatures will be observed in the center of the library. If these arachnids detect an intruder, they'll scamper quickly toward the party member and try and land vicious poisonous bites.
It may be a good idea to let the spiders come to the party rather than just rushing inside the library, due to the inevitable traps which are concealed ahead.
Dispatch the spiders, disarm or avoid the traps, then rummage through the containers and collect any items desired. When the Slime Library Note is discovered, read this carefully, as it gives important clues on how to deal with the next challenge, the Ice Laboratory.
The party will also discover a key, which if examined provides the following description: "This key likely unlocks the door on the north-east end of the slime library." This is the gate leading to the Slime Laboratory.
The small hallway leading southwest from the library ends in a closed gate. If a party member approaches it, a rapidly decreasing temperature is apparent, and a text displays on the player's game screen reading:
- The cold air spilling from the room into the hall chills your bones, numbs your joints, and stiffens your clothing, making movement difficult.
To open this gate to see what lies ahead requires that the party possesses the Slime Scepter, which unbars the otherwise locked gate.
Enter the Ice Laboratory[]
Opening the gate to the Ice Laboratory reveals a circular room, ankle deep in crusty frost and ice. Another closed gate is seen across the chamber on the northwest permitter.
Three floor mounted ventilation hoods with fan impeller blades whirl and discharge frosty air - described as:
- Blowing snow and ice crystals swirl up from the vents in the floor to pile in great drifts which fill the room.
The party can discern a great golem like creature, seemingly made from solid polished crystallized ice, as well as some sort of mist creatures hovering and floating in the frigid atmosphere.
If a party member ventures within, the group of monstrosities will attack once the character is in detection range. These are the Ice Golem (Guardian of Ice) and three Ice Mist creatures.
If the player maneuvers about, perhaps trying to avoid the creatures and explore the room, it will become apparent that the chamber is so cold that it might instill a temporary Slow effect upon the adventurer, reducing some actions to half speed. Whether this effect occurs is based on if a party member enters a hidden proximity trigger zone in the chamber. There are two of these zones, and with luck, a character might miss them. Any party member that triggers the effect will be slowed for 3 seconds. Anytime a zone is contacted, the slow effect is reapplied. There is no saving throw provided and it ignores magic resistance, however, a Minor Globe of Invulnerability or Minor Spell Deflection could block it. The slow effect will neuter a haste effect and the extra movement rate afforded by the The Paws of the Cheetah or an Oil of Speed.
Engaging in combat or casting spells at any of these creatures results in the realization that they seem invulnerable to everything the party member tries. No damage of any type is registering on these ice creatures. No spells have any effect on them. As this unpleasant fact sets in - it is a reminder that the party should follow the clues in the Slime Library Note in order to have a chance of success to obtain the Ice Scepter.
Assuming the party follows and executes the procedures in the Slime Wizard's notes, and all the gates remain open between the magical fan, the Slime laboratory and the Ice laboratory - as soon as the fan setting is raised to maximum, a text will display reading:
- The poison mist is blown out of the Slime Room and into the Ice Chamber!
When a party member enters the Ice chamber after this action, a greenish cloud should form and fill the lab. The presence of this cloud makes the formerly invulnerable ice creatures now partially subject to various attacks. They can now be engaged in melee combat and some spells may work against them.
Battle and destroy these creatures with whatever tactics are best suited by the party. When killed, the Ice Golem Guardian's body can be searched for the Ice Scepter, as well as some an unusual Horn. Possession of the scepter allows unlocking of the closed gate on the ice chamber's northwest, which connects to the Ice Library.
The next step is to obtain the Fire Scepter, to continue completing the Gather the four scepter keys quest.
Enter the Ice Library[]
The Ice Library may be entered from two gates. The first gate is accessed from the initial Portal Chamber. The second is by way of the Ice Laboratory, but only if the Ice Scepter has been obtained.
Whichever entry point is selected, the party needs to explore this area, to find any remaining clues, and to hunt for the Fire Scepter. When ready advance forward to have a look at what's inside. The party will find yet another furnished library ahead. Care must be taken in case there are hidden traps, as was the case in the other laboratories explored previously.
Cautiously moving forward reveals the distorted outline of some more Mist creatures ahead. They can See the invisible, so when the party sees them, they'll see the party. They'll rush forward with their life stealing tendrils outstretched. Best to destroy these undead horrors immediately so they don't cause any problems later.
Expect a pair of Vampiric Wraiths, a Poison Mist and a Wandering Horror.
After the party has dispatched the mist enemies, explore the library. Collect all the found items desired, and then ensure that the Ice Library Note is read thoroughly.
The information in the Note makes it clear that the nearby Fire laboratory may be guarded by "invincible servant", that is apparently indestructible. However, drawing the "elementals" into the Ice Laboratory will deprive the giant of its protection. There is only one way to find out if this plan is going to work or not, and that is to try it out.
Scout forward to the hallway leading north and see a closed gate ahead.
Extremely hot air is felt radiating out of the room beyond.
Whomever ventures within should prepare and make use of fire protection magics or other measures against flame.
The gate ahead will now be unlocked, as the party has possession of the Ice Scepter.
Enter the Fire Laboratory[]
When ready to enter the Fire Laboratory chamber, gather the party and open the gate. It won't open unless the party possesses the Ice Scepter.
Aside from the extreme heat within, the party first notices another circular room, with a central round pool filled with bubbling magma.
Three vertical oriented smokestacks are also positioned in the room, described as:
- Flames and cinders erupt from the chimney, adding to the virtually unbearable heat of the chamber.
To the eastern side of the room is seen another closed gate that connects to Fire Library. The most pressing issue is the 15-foot tall Fire Giant (Guardian of Fire) that lumbers toward the intrusion. This must be the so-called invincible servant created by the now long dead Fire Elementalist wizard.
As soon as the giant makes a move, a Greater Fire Elemental forms outside the magma pool, and coalesces, then races towards the party.
If a party member goes too near the permitter of the magma pool, this will trigger a point-blank instant spell attack with a Flame Arrow. This can be a recurring issue depending on if the character keeps crossing into the proximity zones, so watch out.
According to the Ice Library Note, the key to making the Fire Guardian vulnerable is to lead the four fire elementals into the frigid Ice chamber - and they'll freeze, trapping their spirits, so that can't be respawned. otherwise, the elementals just keep being reborn in the lava, and maintain the guardian's invincibility. How else can the party gain the Fire Scepter than to attempt his plan? And so, the party will have to try this tactic out for themselves.
Enter the Fire chamber and avoid the giant's weapon blows as much as possible.
Remain inside long enough to spawn a fire elemental.
Then move away, toward the Ice chamber, leading the elemental on, bit by bit.
The fire guardian may also follow but won't venture too far before retreating back to the safety of its lair.
Don't destroy the elemental before it reaches the Ice chamber, or it will just be reborn again.
Lead the elemental into the ice chamber a short distance within, the creature will suddenly freeze. A text will display, reading:
- The elemental freezes instantly from the cold of the room.
The elemental is marked as dead, and a 22000 reward is shared by the party. Note that slaying the elemental in any other way than by freezing it in the Ice chamber results in no experience points at all. There is no XP farming available here. If the party strikes the elemental after its frozen, it will explode into ice chunks, but this isn't necessary.
Repeat this process three more times, until all four elementals are frozen. After this process the Fire Guardian will no longer be impervious to being killed.
Enter it's fiery lair and destroy it in whatever manner is best delivered by the party. The giant fill fight back, but it can be put down like any other mortal being. Search the creature's corpse and find the Fire Scepter as well as a magical Helmet.
One final exploration is possible if the party dares, and that is to search the lava/magma pool for some found items within. Take them if desired.
With all four elemental scepters in the party's possession, it is now possible to free the Chromatic Demon from its cage, and then the fiend promised to open the portal gate to the lower reaches.
Free the Chromatic Demon[]
Wrap up any loose ends and housekeeping needed before speaking with the Chromatic Demon. Rest first if needed. There is no rush.
Be aware that with a bit of forethought and patience, the party can time when to engage with the demon to free it and do so when it has assumed a specific form that the party wishes.
When the party is prepared, interact with the cage to initiate engagement with the Chromatic Demon. After this occurs, the game AI looks to see that the party possesses the four elemental Scepters. If they are indeed retained, then the demon will exclaim:
- You have the four scepters! Place them around the cage so I may be free!
It then remarks and laughs, saying:
- After a thousand wasted years, I'm finally free! *chuckle* And now to spread some seriously bloody carnage to make up for lost time. Oh, where shall I start? Where shall I start? Oh! I think I'll start with you!
The demon is placed in a spot outside the cage and attacks, and the player can then take control of the characters and issue commands.
At this time the player's journal updates on the Gather the four scepter keys questline, as follows:
- As I feared, the chromatic demon attacked me as soon as I released it from its cage. A high price to pay, but necessary if I wish to continue into the deeper depths of the dungeon.
Each party member receives 20,000 XP for this action. It is up to the party to destroy this fiend. Use the clues given from what the Imp said, and some of the texts in the libraries touched on to defeat the creature.
For more information and the enemies' stats and immunities, see the Chromatic Demon page.
Recover the Portal Key dropped by the fiend after it is defeated.
The party can now unlock and use the portal to the Lower Reaches.
Creatures (Enemies)[]
Portal room[]
Air Library (potential spawns)[]
- Kuo-toans Captain, Warrior, Whip (×2), Priest, Wizard (group 1 lower-level party)
- Mephit group Air Mephit, Ice Mephit, Fire Mephit, Ooze Mephit (lower-level party)
- Iron Golem (×1) group 2 spawn (higher-level party)
- Sand Golem (×1) group 2 spawn (higher-level party)
- Ice Golem (×1) group 2 spawn (higher-level party)
- Clay Golem (×2) group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
- Stone Golem (×1-2) group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
Air Laboratory[]
Fire Library (potential spawns)[]
- Fire Giant (×2) group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
- Sand Golem (×1-2) group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
- Stone Golem (×2) group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
Fire Laboratory[]
Ice Library (potential spawns)[]
- Vampiric Wraith (×2) group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
- Poison Mist group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
- Wandering Horror group 1 spawn (higher-level party)
- Vampiric Mist group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
- Poison Mist group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
- Crimson Death (×2) group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
- Mist Horror group 2 spawn (lower-level party)
Ice Laboratory[]
Slime Library (potential spawns)[]
- Phase Spider (×3) group 1 spawn (lower-level party)
- Sword Spider (×5) group 1 spawn (lower-level party)
- Mutated Spider (×6) group 2 spawn (higher-level party)
Slime Laboratory[]
Resting spawns[]
- Devil Shade (×1-2)
Treasure (See Map notes on InfoBox)[]
Fire Library[]
- Random treasure (×3)
- Potion of Superior Healing (×8)
- Throwing Axe (×50)
- Arrow of Fire (×40)
- Arrow of Ice (×40)
- Acid Arrow (×40)
- Bolt of Lightning (×40)
- Throwing Dagger (×40)
- Potion of Cloud Giant Strength
- Arrow +3 (×40)
- Bolt +3 (×40)
- Bullet +4 (×20)
- Wand of Cursing
- Antidote (×4)
- Dart of Wounding (×40)
- Dart of Stunning (×20)
- Dart +1 (×20)
- Books (×12)
- Handwritten Note
- Fire Library Note
Air Library[]
- Random treasure (×2)
- Bullet +1 (×40)
- Sunstone Bullet (×20)
- Bullet +2 (×40)
- Bullet +3 (×20)
- Bolt of Lightning (×80)
- Dart +1 (×40)
- Antidote (×3)
- Books (×13)
- Handwritten Note
- Air Library Note
Slime Library[]
- Random treasure (×2)
- Key
- Potion of Extra Healing (×5)
- Antidote (×7)
- Acid Arrow (×80)
- Bolt of Biting (×40)
- Arrow of Piercing (×40)
- Books (×14)
- Slime Library Note
Ice Library[]
- Random treasure (×2)
- Horn
- Wand of Spell Striking
- Bolt of Lightning (×40)
- Bolt +2 (×40)
- Arrow of Dispelling (×5)
- Arrow +2 (×40)
- Arrow of Fire (×40)
- Arrow of Ice (×40)
- Books (×13)
- Handwritten Note
- Ice Library Note
Elemental Scepters[]
- Air Scepter - Guardian of Air
- Slime Scepter- Giant Snake (Guardian of Slime)
- Fire Scepter - Fire Giant (Guardian of Fire)
- Ice Scepter - Ice Golem (Guardian of Ice)
Slime Laboratory[]
Ice Golem (Guardian of Ice)[]
Fire Giant (Guardian of Fire)[]
Fire Laboratory[]
Chromatic Demon[]
Mod content[]
- This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Installation of the klatu Tweaks and Fixes mod will add an "Elven Tome" to one of the libraries in this dungeon level. Take this tome to the Temple of Oghma (Athkatla) (if playing the adventure in SoA), or to the Lazarus Librarus in the ToB portion of the game. After a period of time, this tome can eventually be deciphered to be the "Manual of War", which has the key to eventually instill some amazing abilities, most likely being viewed as overpowered (OP), but can be fun to try for player having difficulty in their gameplay and needing some extra help with their party's combat skills.
Mod portrait gallery[]
Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere
Mod gallery screenshots[]
Watcher's Keep |
Watcher's Keep • Altar Level • 2nd Level: Elemental • 3rd Level: Teleport Maze • 4th Level: Machine of Lum the Mad • 5th Level: Final Seal • 6th Level: Imprisoned One |