Baldur's Gate Wiki

War Cry is a High-level class ability available to the fighter, paladin, ranger and monk classes.


War Cry
With a War Cry, the warrior emits a powerful and frightening yell that will panic all opponents in a 30-ft. radius if they don't make their Save vs. Spell.


It's worth noting that this ability:

- Bypasses magic resistance

- Lasts for 1 turn (or 10 rounds)

- Has a Power level of 0, and thus bypasses spell power level protections such as Globe of Invulnerability or innate spell level defenses like a Rakshasa.

- Is schoolless (meaning no specialist mage gets a bonus to Saving throw against it, and Spell Immunity does not affect it).

Also worth noting is the fact that several powerful enemies are not immune to Panic effects, such as most dragons, mind flayers and others.

Some enemies in the Throne of Bhaal portion of the game can and will use this ability against the party.

