Baldur's Gate Wiki

Wand of Glitterdust is a wand which can cast a wand version of the Glitterdust spell to detect invisible creatures. It is found at some crystals in the northeastern part of Resurrection Gorge. It is one of the many ways to detect Xachrimos if the party has no way to cast spell which can detect invisible creatures.


Found amongst the crystals spawning in a remote corner of Resurrection Gorge, there's something about this smooth piece of wood that makes you think it's more than simply a stick. Perhaps it's the shape—though that's unlikely, as there are many similarly shaped sticks to be found under nearly any tree—or the way the bark has been removed and the surface carefully polished to a smooth finish. But most likely what's intriguing you about the stick is the way the air around it—and WITHIN it—glitters with an unnatural light. Yes, now that you think about it, the glittering is definitely what sets this apart from other, more mundane sticks. There's definitely something different... something fabulous... about this one.


The wand's version of Glitterdust is unique and has some different effects than the spell version.

The wand holder may expend a charge from the wand and select a location for the Glitterdust effect to spread from.

The wand fires a projectile (150-Sparkle Area Gold (SPKLARGO)).

When the rapidly moving projectile reaches the point designated by the operator (up to a 45' distance from the wand user maximum) the sparkling area of effect manifests in a 15-foot radius from the target spot.

All creatures (including the party) in the area of effect are exposed to the sparking particles unless a Saving throw versus Spell is made. If the save is made the wand has no effect on that particular creature.

If the saving throw check is failed, then the creature:

- Suffers a Blindness effect lasting 4 rounds. A text string will display "Blinded".

- If hidden, the creature is revealed (including normal and improved invisibility, sanctuary and Hide in Shadows).

- The creature is also unable to attain being hidden for 4 rounds (when the glittering particles wear off).

This wand's effects are classified as a "Conjuration" spell school, and a "Battleground" secondary type. The individual effects of glittering dust are considered non-magical and therefore can't be affected by Dispel Magic effects or Magic resistance. However, the effects are given a 2 Power level, and thus can be blocked by a Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
