Vongoethe is the lich who is part of the The Graveyard Lich quest.
“ | Ahhhh... I had sensed that one with great power was close by. And here you are, come to my little prison. What do you wish, godling? Vongoethe has no quarrel with you! | ” |
— Vongoethe |
A summary of Vongoethe's abilities, immunities and protections follows:
- 50% Magic resistance.
- See hidden creatures and Detect Invisibility by script. Ignores Non-Detection.
- Protected from normal weapons. A Magical item or a Enchanted item are required to hit the creature.
- Immune to Spells and innate spell abilities between level 1 and 5 spell power.
- Immune to Poison effects and damage, Cold damage and Electricity damage. In addition, Vongoethe has other Physical damage resistances. See the Info Box for values.
- Immune to Disease effects.
- Unaffected by Level drain.
- Unaffected by Paralyze or Stun effects.
- Immune to Sleep or Unconsciousness.
- Cannot be Confused or made Berserk.
- Cannot be Charmed or affected by Domination.
- Will not Panic.
- Protected from Instant Death effects such as Slay or Disintegrate.
- Cannot be Petrified.
- Cannot be affected by Polymorph Other.
- Immune to being Webbed or the Entangle effect.
Depending on actions taken, the lich may provide Malla's Soul Stone, but you can't get it just by killing the lich and looting its corpse. For dialogue and choices see the The Graveyard Lich article.
Vongoethe is able to cast any of the spells shown in the info box, even if not memorized (by script). If hostilities start with Vongoethe, his contingency and spell triggers will initiate immediately (in just a few tics of the game clock). Expect a Improved Mantle, Sphere of Chaos and a Simulacrum. This cloned creature can be a level 18 Lich, and if allowed or able, will start casting its own scripted spells. This will complicate the battle for the party.
Not long afterwards (perhaps after the Improved Mantle has expired) there will be a triggered Protection From Magical Weapons, Globe of Invulnerability and Shadow Door. If any party members are close and observed by the Lich, then a Spell Trigger will launch a Greater Malison, Stoneskin and Confusion (wizard) spells. A minor sequence can then be deployed with a Mirror Image and a Blur. After these spells are up and running, then Vongoethe will begin focusing more on going on the offensive.
If at any time the lich's hit points fall to 50% or less, it will utilize a Potion of Superior Healing. At certain times in the battle the Lich has the ability to teleport to four or more different locations on the map for the purpose of gaining an advantage or to escape danger. If the lich realizes his melee defenses are down, due to expiration of the spell or being dispelled, it will automatically attempt to reapply Improved Mantle, Shadow Door and Stoneskin. He does not run out of these spells, by script.
Vongoethe is scripted to deploy a Death Spell if certain summoned hostile creatures are detected, such as Mordenkainen's Sword (creature), Nishruu, Efreeti and similar.
The lich can also summon some additional creatures for assistance, such as with the Animate Dead (wizard) spell or Summon a Efreeti.
A Dragon's Breath (spell) HLA will be used further into the battle, if the lich is able to do so.
Note that Vongoethe is vulnerable to instant death effect Kill target from such sources as the Mace of Disruption or Azuredge, should it fail its saving throw.
The lich is a possible reference to the great German writer link Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, author of Faust. In the novel a demon makes a bargain with Faust: Mephistopheles will serve Faust with his magic powers for a set number of years, but at the end of the term, the Devil will claim Faust's soul, and Faust will be eternally enslaved, a story similar to the way Vongeothe offers Marlowe assistance in exchange for his soul.
Mod Content[]
Installation of the Sword Coast Stratagems Mod and the "Gameplay Tweaks" component moves the Cloak of Mirroring to the Throne of Bhaal. It is now worn by Vongoethe, who gains all of the Cloak's passive power.
Also. if you install the "Smarter Mages Component" and or "Tactical Challenges for BG2", then Vongoethe is a level 30 Necromancer, with a full spell book of offensive and defensive spells. SCS will utilize triggers, sequencers and contingency auto castings. It retains all of the abilities and immunities of the unmodified creature.
Depending on the difficulty settings for your game, the lich will also utilize its Mage High-level calss abilities against you, should you initiate hostilities. These HLA's include: Comet, Dragon's Breath (spell), Energy Blades (wizard), Improved Alacrity and Summon Dark Planetar. Vongoethe has prepared for instant use, the following:
- Minor Sequencer with a double Ray of Enfeeblement.
- Spell Sequencer with triple Remove Magic.
- Spell Trigger with Remove Magic, Greater Malison and Death Spell.
Other changes to Vongoethe:
- Improved casting time Modifier: +2 speed bonus.
- Immune to Critical hits via the worn HELMNOAN.ITM.
- Scripted to use his four Potion of Superior Healing in its inventory, when damaged to certain thresholds.
- Will deploy and radiate a "Fear Aura" ability in a 30' radius. A save negates a Panic effect. It bypasses spell protections and magic resistance. There is a saving throw penalty.
- As a Necromancer Specialist Mage, the party well be penalized -2 on Saving throw vs. Necromancy spells, and the lich will gain a +2 bonus vs. the same.
After deploying a battery of near instant cast defensive spells such as Protection From Magical Weapons, Protection From Fire, Protection From Magic Energy, Spell Trap and Spell Shield, as well as the innate "Fear Aura", this Lich will then go on the offensive, and will likely bring forth a gated Fiend. This beast will also immediately begin to cast any protective buffs, if able, and then go on the offensive - probably with the "Improved Fiends" component AI and special powers given to gated creatures.
When Vongoethe goes on the offensive (typically by round two), Expect a Time Stop combined with Improved Alacrity, then a perhaps a Summon Dark Planetar, and Comet or Dragon's Breath HLA, depending if it detects a certain level of fire resistance on the closest party members. Other HLA's will be used while it is fighting you. His spell choices will be influenced by what vulnerabilities it can detect upon your party members. That might mean an Imprisonment spell, Finger of Death (wizard), Wail of the Banshee or liberal use of his five memorized Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wiltings. The lich can remove spell defenses with Breach, Khelben's Warding Whip, Ruby Ray of Reversal and Spellstrike. Remember, he may be wearing the Cloak of Mirroring as well. And finally, the lich carries a rich Random treasure and a random SCS Scroll.
Installation of the Spell Revisions mod will change the lich's spell book to the SR versions. This Mod is compatible and designed to work with SCS.
The Golem Construction for Spellcasters Mod places a rare and hard to find pages from a golem building manual in the lich's carried loot.
Mod gallery[]
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