Vitiare is a thief with sticky hands who is encountered in the western gambling tent at the Nashkel Carnival.
Upon entering the tent, he will walk towards Gorion's Ward and party, boldly state that he is a master thief, then steal up to 100 from the party. If one is not quick enough, he can disappear before getting the chance to retake the stolen gold. He won't appear again after the theft.
He can be killed without reputation loss.
Arm the party with ranged weapons and enter the tent. Pause the game and direct a party member to walk up to Vitiare. Unpause and, when the party member has reached him, he will steal the from them. Pause the game again and attack him. Unpause and, if you are quick and effective enough, he will be dead before he can escape.
Alternatively, simply attack him with a distance weapon before he approaches a party member, thereby making him aggressive and allowing the party to kill him without a time limit. Despite having a dagger he will not try to attack, but will run around the tent instead.