Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

Uncle Lester is a recently deceased Human interned in Athkatla Graveyard.

Cheap sweater?! Well—I'll have you know that belonged to yer grandfather, you ungrateful git!


He has not been properly buried and has risen as a sort of intelligent ghoul to get revenge from his ungrateful nephew Nevin.

In a rather humorous dialogue between the two it is revealed that Nevin decided to save some money and hired a Drunken Cleric of Talos to carry out the funeral ceremonies and thus cursed his uncle with the state of undead. Lester however never liked his nephew much, so he left him only a cheap sweater in his will.

No matter what, Uncle Lester will try to kill Nevin and the party has to decide whether to intervene. Killing Uncle Lester gives you 1,000 XP and speaking to Nevin afterwards will give another 6,500 XP. Letting Lester kill Nevin gives you nothing.


  • Uncle Lester's gender is changed to Neither in the enhanced game Shadows of Amn LOGOSOA00001 Icon BG2EEBaldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition – Shadows of Amn (2013)
    This icon indicates content from the Shadows of Amn campaign of the Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

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