Baldur's Gate Wiki

† = Original
‡ = Improved

The Thieves' Hood is a unique piece of headgear that can only be equipped by thieves of all class combinations and kits.

Although this hood does not confer any noticeable advantages on its wearer, it does have an aura of latent magic.

— Originally


It can be obtained as reward from The Blood War side quest within Watcher's Keep Teleport Maze level. Obtain the quest from the demon Tahazzar or the devil Ka'rashur and kill the other fiend, returning with its heart. There are several class and alignment restrictions that can shutter the availability of obtaining the quest.


At first, it does not provide many useful effects to the wearer – except for protecting against critical hits in the original Baldur's Gate II only –, but if Cespenar improves this item with some components, it will become more useful.

In its most basic form, the Hood provides critical hit protection, but only in the original game. This is disabled in the Enhanced Edition. Wearing the hood does change the thieves' sprite appearance.

To realize the Hood's full potential - engage with Cespenar and the Imp will offer an upgrade:

I... hey, what is this? A hood? You off to visits grandmother or what?[1]

Cespenar can improve the Thieves' Hood by combining it with the Sandthief's Ring. He will also need an antidote and 10,000gp to do this. Assuming its upgraded, the in game description reads:

There is no honor among thieves. Perhaps that is why the Thieves' Hood has been imbued with magical properties to protect the wearer from their own ilk.

— Improved

The improved hood offers immunity to backstab and poison and can be used three times per rest to cast True Sight, with a 1 turn duration.


  1. BOTSMITH.dlg; State 135