Baldur's Gate Wiki

When Sunray is cast, the cleric bathes in a protective ray of sunlight that banishes the undead.


When this spell is cast, it causes a ray of sunlight to beam down upon the caster and everyone within a 20-ft. 16-ft. radius. All (hostile) creatures within the area of effect take 3d6 points of damage and must save vs. Spell or be blinded for 1 turn. Undead that are hit by the sunray take 1d6 damage per level of the caster, and must save vs. Spell or be destroyed suffer 1000 magical damage.


  • The cleric casts a projectile upon self (break invisibility) which spreads 16-ft radius instantly when contact, every hostile creature within the spell's AoE suffer 3d6 Magical damage (yield to MR, no save) and be blind for 1 min (yield to MR, save vs. Spell negates); every hostile undead creature takes additional 1d6 magic damage per caster level, up to 20d6 at lvl20 (nonmagically bypass MR, no save), and suffers another 1000 magic damage (yield to MR, save vs. Spell negates).
  • Daystar and the Helm of Brilliance are able to cast this spell at a default caster level 10. If the helm is worn by a divine magic caster of high enough level though, that level will be leveraged properly for scaling.

Mod content[]

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With the Sword Coast Stratagems mod the Sunray spell is diminished in its powers versus Kangaxx and all Demilich (Watcher's Keep) creatures.

Spell Revisions mod has changed this divine spell, revising its effects, saving throw and description. See below:

Level: 7
School: Evocation
Sphere: Sun
Range: Personal
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 30’ radius
Saving Throw: Special

When this spell is cast, it causes a ray of sunlight to beam down upon the caster and a globe of searing radiance to explode in a 30-foot radius. All hostile creatures in the area of effect are blinded for 10 rounds and take 6d6 points of damage. Undead creatures caught within the sunburst instead take 1d6 points of damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 20d6). A successful save vs. breath at a -4 penalty negates the blindness and reduces the damage by half. The burst also results in the destruction of all undead creatures specifically harmed by bright light (such as vampires, shadows, and wraiths) that fail a saving throw vs. spell.

Note: This spell is usable by all Divine spell casting classes.

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