Summon Planetar is a High-level class ability usable by mages and sorcerers of good or neutral alignment.
Note: Selecting this High-Level Ability spell makes Summon Dark Planetar unavailable.
“ | Summon Planetar This spell opens a celestial gate and calls forth a planetar to fight at the caster's side until the spell expires or the planetar's avatar is slain. |
” |
Although the Planetar's special Silver Sword applies a dispel effect 25% of the time on-hit, it only does so at level 10, so it's unlikely to dispel many effects by the time Planetars are obtained. Moreover, unlike the Deva's thrice castable Dispel Magic the Planetar's is cast at level 1 (because the Planetar only has Mage levels, but the Dispel Magic assigned to her is the Priest version), so it's also fairly useless.
This spell interacts with the summoning cap in a few ways that are different than most summoning spells:
a) If you already have a Planetar or Deva summoned, you won't be able to summon another one.
b) If you already have five creatures (of any kind, except demons/devils) summoned, you won't be able to summon with this spell.
c) If you only have up to four creatures summoned and use this spell, not only will it cast successfully, you will also still be able to summon a sixth creature with another spell. Meaning that, demons/devils aside (they follow other rules), it's possible to have 5 regular summons and 1 celestial summon at the same time, for a total of 6 summons.
Mod content[]
Installation of the Spell Revisions Mod will replace this spell with a similar but moderately different version, which will also summon a revised Planetar - both in terms of creature abilities and appearance. See the Planetar page for details.
External links[]
- Summon planetar on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, a wiki for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting Forgotten Realms.