Baldur's Gate Wiki

Status Effects are positive or negative effects applied to creatures.


The game engine implements each effect using an Op Code (Integer), and the effect from the code is actually applied to a creature as a "State". Examples:

  • State: Hold Creature I Opcode 109 or
  • State: Disease Opcode 78

Often when a creature is affected by a State or Status Effect there will be a message in the information window that displays a "String" or "String Reference" with an associated term or words, such as "Stunned" or "Paralyzed".

Most of the time there are also icons associated with the State or Status Effect that are displayed in the party member's portrait, such as "Blessed" or "Held". The related icons can be seen on Gorion's Ward or Companions' portraits in user interface.

Effects can be applied from items, spells, potions, creature attacks, traps, quests or even the mere passage of time (e.g., fatigue).

Baldur's Gate[]

The following status effects appear in the original Baldur's Gate and its expansion Tales of the Sword Coast.



Icon Name Description Example Causes
Bard song Bard Song The character is affected by the song of the bard, and the effects wildly vary depending on the type of song. Bard Song
Barkskin Barkskin The character's base Armor Class is set to 6, with an additional +1 for every 4 caster levels (AC 5 at 4th level, AC 4 at 8th level, and so on). At 20th level, this is the equivalent of Full Plate Armor. This effect competes with bracers and body armor and the lowest ("best") is applied. Barkskin also provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws excluding save vs. spell. Barkskin
Blessed Blessed The character has +1 bonus to morale, attack rolls, and damage rolls. Bless
Chant Chant The character has a +1 bonus to attack rolls, minimum damage/healing rolls, and saving throws. Chant
Free action Free Action The character has immunity to any effect that would bolster or hinder the character's movement, including the effects of paralysis, hold, entangle, web, grease, slow, and haste. The character's movement will also be set to normal, even if their normal speed is higher (e.g. Barbarian, Monk). Edventar's Gift, Spider's Bane, Potion of Freedom, Free Action (spell)
STATES200116 Friends The character's Charisma score is increased by 6 points up to a maximum of 25. Friends
Haste Haste The character's movement is doubled, has a -2 bonus to initiative, and has one extra attack per round (1/2 if applied to an APR of e.g. 5/2). Haste spell, Oil of Speed
Heroism Heroism The character's base THAC0 is improved to 90% its regular value, and their base hit points are increased to 110%. Potion of Heroism, Potion of Power
Invulnerable Invulnerable The character's Armor Class is set to 0 and they receive a +5 bonus to all saving throws. The secondary effect can stack with itself. Potion of Invulnerability
012 Magic Armor Magic Armor The character is surrounded by a magical force that provides a bonus to Armor Class, depending on the source of the effect. Armor, Spirit Armor
Master thieving Master Thieving / Luck

Master Thievery: The character's pick pockets and lock picking score are increased by +40%.

Luck: The character has a +1 bonus to Luck

Potion of Master ThieveryLuck
Non-detectable Non-detectable The character is protected from simple divination spells, such as Detect Invisibility while invisible or hidden. Cloak of Non-Detection
Protection from cold Protection from Cold The character has immunity/resistance to cold damage depending on the source of the effect. Protection from Cold, Belt of Antipode
009 Protection From Evil Protection From Evil All attacks made by evil or enchanted in evil ways creatures receive -2 penalty to attack rolls against targeted creature, protected creature also receive +2 bonus to saving throws caused by attacks of evil or evilly enchanted creatures, and protects from being attacked by creatures summoned by CacofiendSummon FiendGate. Protection From Evil (wizard), Protection From Evil (priest), Protection From Evil, 10' Radius
Protection from fire Protection From Fire The character has immunity/resistance to fire damage depending on the source of the effect. Batalista's Passport, Resist Fire/Cold, Protection From Fire, Moonblade, Fireshield (Red)
011 Protection From Missiles Protection from Missiles The character has immunity to attacks from non-magical missiles. Protection From Normal Missiles
010 Protection From Petrification Protection From Petrification The character has immunity to all forms of petrification, including the effects of a basilisk's gaze or a Flesh to Stone spell. Protection From Petrification
Regeneration Regenerating The character regenerates hit points over a period of time, depending on the source of the effect. Potion of Regeneration, Constitution score of 20 or above, Pearly White Ioun Stone, Peridan, Ring of Gaxx, Ring of Regeneration, Staff of the High Forest, Regeneration
Resist fear Resist Fear The character has immunity to the effects of fear and panic. Resist Fear, Paladin passive effect, Barbarian Rage
Shielded Shielded The character is surrounded by a magical/divine armor that provides a bonus to their Armor Class or damage reduction depending on the effect. Shield, Armor of Faith, Shield Amulet
Strength Strength The character's Strength score is altered depending on the source of the effect. While intended as a boost, it is possible for it to actually reduce the strength of a target. Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Strength, Draw Upon Holy Might, Strength of One


Icon Name Description Example Causes Prevention Cure
Ability Score Drained Ability Score Drained Temporary Reduction of an ability score. Shadow special attack (drains only strength) Greater Restoration
102 Acid Acid Character takes acid damage over time. Melf's Acid Arrow Acid Res, MR, PoMB, SI(Conjuration), SoPfM PoMB, SoPfM
004 Berzerk Berserk The character will be uncontrollable and attack enemies, but will have increased damage and THAC0, be immune to several spells (including Charm Person) and get increased saves against others.
  1. Berserk
  2. Kiel's Morning Star
  3. Two Handed Sword, Cursed Berserking +3
Exaltation, Remove Curse [2,3]
008 Blind Blinded Lowers the character's sight radius. Blinded creature receives -4 penalty on attack rolls and 4 penalty on armor class.
  1. Blindness
  2. Holy Smite
MR, SI(Illusion) [1],

SI(Necromancy) [2], PoMB, SoPfM

Cure Disease, DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM
000 Charm Charmed Character falls under the caster's control.
  1. Charm Person
  2. Sirines' special ability
Barbarian Rage, Enrage, Chaotic Commands,

MR, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Enchantment)

DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
Confused Confused The character is out of control and will wander around and attack others (including allies) randomly. Confusion MR, SI(Enchantment), Chaotic Commands, Potion of Clarity, Enrage, Barbarian Rage, PoMB, SoPfM SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
035 Cursed Cursed Character is placed under a curse, such as by equipping a cursed item. Cursed Items Remove Curse
112 Deaf Deaf The character gets 50% chance of spell failure. Deafness MR, SI(Illusion), PoMB, SoPfM Cure Disease, PoMB, SoPfM
001 Dire Charm Dire Charm Character gets under the casting creature control. Dire Charm Barbarian Rage, Enrage, Chaotic Commands,

MR, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Enchantment)

007 Diseased Diseased Character is diseased, reducing ability scores and/or dealing poison damage over time. Spell Contagion, Attacks from a Mummy or Otyugh Cure Disease
043 Domination Domination Character falls under the caster's control. Domination Barbarian Rage, Enrage, Chaotic Commands,

MR, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Enchantment)

100 Doom Doomed Gives the character a -2 penalty to all rolls, including THAC0 and saving throws. Doom MR, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Alteration) PoMB, SoPfM
051 Dying Dying The character will slowly die while this affects him. If not dispelled in time, death is certain. The gaze of Aec'Letec MR, Potion of Mirrored Eyes, SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM, Potion of Mirrored Eyes
053 Energy Drain Energy Drain The character has been drained of one or more levels, or been subject to Kirinhale's Dexterity and Constitution drain. Attack by Kirinhale, Vampiric Wolf Negative Plane Protection, Barbarian Rage, Enrage Rest, Lesser Restoration
113 Enfeebled Enfeebled Sets strength to 5. Ray of Enfeeblement MR, Chaotic Commands, SI(Enchantment), Potion of Clarity, Barbarian Rage, Enrage, PoMB, SoPfM Cure Disease, DM, RM, Heal, PoMB, SoPfM
144 Entangled Entangled The character can't walk, and receives a -2 penalty to AC unless entangled by an Hamatula's claws. Entangle MR, Free Action, Potion of Freedom, SI(Alteration), PoMB, SoPfM DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM
Fatigue Fatigue Character has lower luck, making it easier to be hit by enemies and harder to hit them. Effect worsen for every 4 hours been awake for too long. When a player has been awake or travelling for too long. (24 hr+, exact length of time seems to depend on Constitution) Rest
048 Feebleminded Feeble-minded The character's intelligence is lowered to that of a beast, causing them to remain in place. Feeblemind MR, Chaotic Commands, SI(Enchantment), Potion of Clarity, Barbarian Rage, Enrage, SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
145 Grease Grease Lowers movement rate. Grease MR, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Conjuration), Globe of Invulnerability DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM, Free Action
045 Greater Malison Greater Malison The character receives -4 penalty on all saving throws. Greater Malison SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM PoMB, SoPfM
013 Held Held The character is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.
  1. Hold Person
  2. Hold Animal
  3. Ghast attack
  4. Shadow attack
Barbarian Rage, Chaotic Commands, Edventar's Gift, Enrage, Free Action, MR, Potion of Freedom, PoMB, SoPfM,


DM, PoMB, RM, Remove Paralysis, SoPfM
Held-0 Held (2) The character is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items. Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Barbarian Rage ?
STATES200005 Intoxicated Gives negative luck and morale bonus.
  1. Too much drinking at inns
  2. Murky Potion of Healing
  3. Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salve
Rest, Exaltation
105 Miscast Magic Miscast Magic The character receives 80% chance of spell failure.
  1. Miscast Magic
  2. Bala's Axe
SI(Enchantment)[1], PoMB, SoPfM PoMB, SoPfM
126 Nauseated Nauseated THAC0 is lowered by 2.  1. Ghast attack Effect is removed by resting.
036 Panic Panic The character is out of control and will run away from the enemy.
  1. Horror
  2. Spook
  3. Wand of Fear
Barbarian Rage, Enrage, MR, Remove Fear, SI(Necromancy)[1], SI(Illusion)[2], Emotion: Hopelessness, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM Remove Fear, DM, PoMB, RM, SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
Petrified The character is turned to stone and removed from the party. Basilisks' gaze MR, Potion of Mirrored Eyes, SoPfM Stone to Flesh, Stone to Flesh (Green Scroll)
006 Poisoned Poisoned Most poisons cause the character to lose HP at a set rate (varies by source) until the poison is magically neutralized, death occurs, or it wears off. Opposed to regeneration.
  1. Inflicted by some enemies and weapons
  2. Poison (spell)
Protection from Magical Weapons[1],

PoMB [2,3], SI(Evocation)[3], SI(Necromancy)[2], SoPfM[2,3]

Antidote[1,2], DM[3], Elixir of Health[1,2], Neutralize Poison[1,2], RM[3], Slow Poison[1,2], SoPfM[3]
124 Polymorphed Polymorphed The character is polymorphed into a squirrel
  1. Polymorph Other
  2. Wand of Polymorphing

SI(Alteration)[1], SoPfM

DM, PoMB ?, RM, SoPfM
002 Rigid Thinking Rigid Thinking (Status effect) The character randomly wander, stand in place or attack nearest creature. Rigid Thinking SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM
034 Silenced Silenced Character can no longer cast spells. Silence, 15' Radius MR, Vocalize, SI(Alteration), PoMB, SoPfM Vocalize, PoMB, SoPfM
014 Sleep Sleep The character lay down and cannnot move, attack, or use items.
  1. Sleep
  2. Command
  3. Emotion: Hopelessness
  4. Stinking cloud
MR, SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM
041 Slow Slow Character takes twice as much time to perform tasks, such as moving, attacking, and casting spells. Slow Spell, attack from an Otyugh MR, SI(Alteration), Edventar's Gift, Free Action, PoMB, SoPfM DM, Haste, PoMB, RM, SoPfM
083 Spell Failure Spell Failure The character receives 100% spell failure.
055 Stun Stun The character is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items.
  1. Chromatic Orb
  2. Various weapons
Barbarian Rage, Chaotic Commands, Enrage, MR, SI(Evocation), PoMB[1], SoPfM Remove Paralysis, PoMB[1], SoPfM
130 Unconscious Unconscious The character lay down and cannot move, attack, or use items.
129 Webbed Webbed The character is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items. Web Edventar's Gift, Free Action, MR, PoMB, SI(Evocation), SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM

Baldur's Gate II[]

The following status effects appear in Shadows of Amn LOADCNTR00004 Icon SoABaldur's Gate II:
Shadows of Amn
This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn campaign.
and later games.


Icon Name Description Example Causes
095 Able to Poison Weapons Able to Poison Weapons Assassin's ability: Poison Weapon
118 Absolute Immunity Absolute Immunity The character gains complete immunity to all weapons except those that have an enchantment level greater than +5. Absolute Immunity
138 Barbarian Rage Barbarian Rage The character gains bonuses to Strength and Constitution by +4 but a gains -2 Armor Class penalty. They also get some immunities against various negative effects. Once it's duration ends, the character loses all additional hit points gained due to the additional Constitution, which might kill them. Barbarian's ability: Barbarian Rage
Bard song Bard Song The character is under the effect of a bard song. Various songs grants various bonuses. Bard's ability: Bard Song
Barkskin Barkskin The character's base Armor Class is set to 6, with an additional +1 for every 4 caster levels (AC 5 at 4th level, AC 4 at 8th level, and so on). At 20th level, this is the equivalent of Full Plate Armor. This effect competes with bracers and body armor and the lowest ("best") is applied. Barkskin also provides a +1 bonus to all saving throws excluding save vs. spell. Barkskin, Staff of the Woodlands
098 Blade Barrier Blade Barrier Blade Barrier
Blessed Blessed +1 to morale, +1 to hit & damage rolls Bless
139 Boon of Lathander Boon of Lathander Priest of Lathander's ability: Boon of Lathander
082 Called Shot Called Shot Archer's ability: Called Shot
Chant Chant Chant Spell
163 Chaos Shield Chaos Shield Chaos Shield
Chaotic Commands Chaotic Commands The spell Chaotic Commands applies both a mind shield and this status effect, presumably this status effects complements the protection provided by Mind Shield so that, together, they cover the entire list of spells which Chaotic Commands prevents. Together with Mind Shield it has been confirmed to protect against: Suggestion, Charm, Domination, Command, Sleep, Maze, Confusion, and Illithid psionic blasts. Chaotic Commands
050 Champions Strength Champions Strength Champion's Strength
061 Cloak of Fear Cloak of Fear Cloak of Fear
075 Contigency Active Contigency Active Contigency
Death ward Death Ward Immunity to death magic spells such as: Death Spell, Disintegrate, Finger of Death, Power Word, Kill Death Ward
049 Defensive Harmony Defensive Harmony Defensive Harmony
085 Defensive Spin Defensive Spin Blade ability: Defensive Spin
147 Defensive Stance Defensive Stance Dwarven Defender ability: Defensive Stance
109 Detecting Traps Detecting Traps Find Traps
135 Draw Upon Holy Might Draw Upon Holy Might Draw Upon Holy Might
141 Enraged Enraged Berserker's ability: Enrage
120 Farsight Farsight Farsight
069 Fire Shield Blue Fire Shield Blue Fireshield (Blue)
068 Fire Shield Red Fire Shield Red Fireshield (Red)
Free action Free Action Character is completely immune to spells or other effects that impede mobility such as hold, web, slow, grease, stun, entangle, etc. This might or might not make the character immune to beneficial speed alterations as well, such as haste. This variation depends on whether you play with vanilla BG2, bugfix mods, or BGEE. Edventar's Gift, Spider's Bane, Potion of Freedom.
STATES200116 Friends The character's Charisma score is increased by 6 points up to a maximum of 25. Friends
127 Ghost Armor Ghost Armor Ghost Armor
128 Glitterdust Glitterdust Glitterdust
121 Globe of Invulnerability Globe of Invulnerability Globe of Invulnerability
Master thieving Good Luck Thieving abilities increased. Lock picking +40%, Pick pocketing +40%/+1 to luck. Potion of Master ThieveryLuck (spell)
Haste Haste Character moves and attacks at a higher rate, opposed to slow. Does not affect spellcasting. Haste spell, Oil of Speed, Improved Haste
Heroism Heroism Character has more hitpoints and is more accurate with weapons. Potion of Heroism, Potion of Power
060 Holy Power Holy Power Holy Power
162 Improved Chaos Shield Improved Chaos Shield Improved Chaos Shield
110 Improved Haste Improved Haste Improved Haste spell
119 Improved Mantle Improved Mantle Improved Mantle
114 Infravision Infravision Infravision (spell)
Invulnerable Invulnerable Character has high resistance to harmful spells and attacks. Potion of Invulnerability
062 Iron Skins Iron Skins Iron Skins
081 Kai Kai Kensai's ability: Kai
012 Magic Armor Magic Armor Character gains AC6 armor bonus. Armor spell
Magic Resistance Magic Resistance A % chance for each individual spell cast on a target to outright fail, some spells are not subject to magic resistance. Robe of Vecna, Amulet of 5% Magic ResistanceMagic Resistance (spell), Amulet of Power
094 Magnetized Magnetized
104 Mantle Mantle Mantle
Mind Shield Mind Shield Displayed when protected against some but not necessarily all mental status effects, like "charmed", "dire charmed", "held", "rigid thinking", "dominated", "confusion", "paralyze", etc. Various items will display this status effect, although they each protect against a different combination of the mentioned effects. Helm of Charm Protection, Cavalier Kit, Inquisitor Kit, Chaotic Commands, Shield of Harmony, Greenstone Amulet, Aeger's Hide, Sword of Arvoreen, Blackrazor, Corthala Family Armor, Dark Justice, Ir'revrykal, The Visage, Potion of Clarity, Potion of Mind Focusing, Brine Potion, Staff of the Magi, Spear of the Unicorn, Adjatha the Drinker, The Equalizer, Lilarcor, Psion's Blade
122 Minor Globe of Invulnerability Minor Globe of Invulnerability Minor Globe of Invulnerability
074 Mislead Mislead Mislead
Negative plane protection Negative Plane Protection Immune to Level drain Negative Plane Protection, Mace of Disruption +2, Runehammer +4, Runehammer +5, Amulet of PowerAngurvadal +5
Non-detectable Non-detectable The character is immune to enemy castings of Detect Invisibility, Scrying, and True Sight. Whispers of Silence
084 Offensive Spin Offensive Spin Blade ability: Offensive Spin
125 Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Otiluke's Resilient Sphere Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
057 Perception Perception
132 Physical Mirror Physical Mirror Physical Mirror
054 Polymorph Self Polymorph Self Polymorph Self
077 Projected Image Projected Image Project Image
093 Protected from Energy Protected from Energy Protection From Energy
076 Protected from the Elements Protected from the Elements Protection From The Elements
024 Protection From Acid Protection From Acid All acid related attacks inflict less damage on the character. Protection From Acid
Protection from cold Protection From Cold All cold related attacks inflict less damage on the character. Protection From Cold (protection scroll), Protection From Cold (spell)
027 Protection From Electricity Protection From Electricity All electricity related attacks inflict less damage on the character. Protection From Electricity (protection scroll), Protection From Electricity (spell)
009 Protection From Evil Protection From Evil All attacks made by evil or enchanted in evil ways creatures receive -2 penalty to attack rolls against targeted creature, protected creature also receive +2 bonus to saving throws caused by attacks of evil or evilly enchanted creatures, and protects from being attacked by creatures summoned by CacofiendSummon FiendGate. Protection From Evil (wizard), Protection From Evil (priest), Protection From Evil, 10' Radius
Protection from fire Protection From Fire All fire related attacks inflict less damage on the character. Batalista's Passport, Ring of Fire ControlProtection From Fire (priest), Protection From Fire (wizard), Moonblade, Shuruppak's Plate
Protection from Magic Protection From Magic

Deflects/Reflects all spell damage. This includes offensive spells like Magic Missile, but not disabling (non-damage) spells such as hold person.

BG2-SoA had this reflecting all damage back at the attacker, this was nerfed to merely deflecting it if ToB is installed (even if you are only playing SoA)

Cloak of Mirroring
123 Protected from Magical Energy Protected from Magical Energy All magical energy related attacks inflict less damage on the character. Belt of Inertial Barrier
071 Protection From Magical Weapons Protection From Magical Weapons Protection From Magical Weapons
011 Protection From Missiles Protection from Missiles The character gains immunity to non-magical missiles. Protection From Normal Missiles
Protection from normal weapon Protection from Normal Weapon Cannot be harmed by non magical weapons Protection From Normal Weapons, Aslyferund Elven Chain
010 Protection From Petrification Protection From Petrification Grants the character immunity to all forms of petrification, such as cursed scrolls, Flesh to Stone, basilisks, Medusa's Gaze, etc. Protection From Petrification (protection scroll), Protection From Petrification
Protection from Poison Protection From Poison Immunity to Poison. Cavalier ability, Periapt of Proof Against Poison
029 Protection From Undead Protection From Undead The character is protected from Undead's physical attack. Protection From Undead
143 Quivering Palm Quivering Palm Monk ability
042 Regenerate Regenerate
BG2 Regeneration Regenerating Character regenerates health, rate varies depending on source. Potion of Regeneration, Ring of Gaxx, Pearly White Ioun Stone
Regeneration Regeneration Character regenerates health, opposed to poison. Regeneration (spell)
133 Repulse Undead Repulse Undead
066 Repulsing Undead Repulsing Undead
Resist fear Resist Fear The character has improved morale and will be immune to panic during this Resist Fear, Paladin ability, Cavalier ability
Resist fire cold Resist Fire/Cold All cold or fire damage sustained on the creature affected by this spell is reduced. Resist Fire/Cold, Ice Star
064 Righteous Magic Righteous Magic Righteous Magic
096 Setting Trap Setting Trap Thief ability
116 Shield of the Archons Shield of the Archons Shield of the Archons
Shielded Shielded The character has improved armor class and an extra bonus vs. missiles. Shield (spell), Armor of Faith Spell, Shield Amulet
067 Spell Deflection Spell Deflection Spell Deflection
107 Spell Immunity Spell Immunity Spell Immunity
092 Spell Sequencer Active Spell Sequencer Active Spell Sequencer
073 Spell Shield Spell Shield Spell Shield
117 Spell Trap Spell Trap Spell Trap
111 Spell Trigger Spell Trigger Spell Trigger
065 Spell Turning Spell Turning Spell Turning
046 Spirit Armor Spirit Armor Spirit Armor
080 Stoneskin Stoneskin Stoneskin
140 Storm Shield Storm Shield Priest of Talos ability
Strength Strength

The character's Strength score is altered depending on the source of the effect. While intended as a boost, it is possible for it to actually reduce the strength of a target.

At least 16 different sources, listed on Strength
136 Strength of One Strength of One Strength of One
142 Stunning Blow Stunning Blow Monk ability
072 Tenser's Transformation Tenser's Transformation Tenser's Transformation
108 True Seeing True Seeing Dispells all hostile illusions within 20 meter radius. True Sight
Vocalize Vocalize Immunity to being silenced

Vocalize, Amulet of the Master Harper, Amulet of Power


Icon Name Description Example Causes
088 In Dialog In Dialog
089 In Store In Store
Level Up Level Up


Icon Name Description Example Causes Prevention Cure
Ability Score Drained Ability Score Drained Temporary Reduction of an ability score.
  1. Shadow special attack (drains only strength)
  2. Spirit Troll special attack
102 Acid Acid Character takes acid damage over time. Melf's Acid Arrow Acid Res, MR, PoMB, SI(Conjuration), SoPfM PoMB, SoPfM
033 Bad Luck Bad Luck Character takes penalty to all of their dice rolls. Wish
004 Berzerk Berserk The character will be uncontrollable and attack enemies, but will have increased damage and THAC0, be immune to several spells (including Charm Person) and get increased saves against others.
  1. Minsc's Berserk ability
  2. Two-handed Sword, Cursed Berserking +3
Exaltation, Remove Curse [2]
Bleeding Bleeding Character takes damage over time. Cornugon
008 Blind Blinded Lowers the character sight radius. Blinded creature receives -4 penalty on attack rolls and 4 penalty on armor class.
  1. Blindness
  2. Holy Smite
MR, SI(Illusion) [1],

SI(Necromancy) [2], PoMB, SoPfM

Cure Disease, DM, Heal, RM, PoMB, SoPfM
047 Chaos
Chaos The character is out of control and can't see the difference between friend and foe. They randomly alternate between standing still, walking randomly, or attacking the nearest person regardless of whether it is friend or foe. If they attack an ally, that ally will retaliate unless you disable AI. Chaos MR, SI(Enchantment)[1], Chaotic Commands, Potion of Clarity, Enrage, Barbarian Rage, PoMB, SoPfM SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
000 Charm Charmed Character gets under the casting creature control.
  1. Charm Person
  2. Vampire special ability
Barbarian Rage, Enrage, Chaotic Commands,

MR, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Enchantment)

DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
Confused Confused The character is out of control and can't see the difference between friend and foe. They randomly alternate between standing still, walking randomly, or attacking the nearest person regardless of whether it is friend or foe. If they attack an ally, that ally will retaliate unless you disable AI.
  1. Confusion
  2. Umber Hulk special ability
MR, SI(Enchantment)[1], Chaotic Commands, Potion of Clarity, Enrage, Barbarian Rage, PoMB, SoPfM SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
035 Cursed Cursed Equipped cursed items are only removable via the Remove Curse spell. Cursed Items Remove Curse
112 Deaf Deaf The character gets 50% chance of spell failure.
  1. Deafness
  2. Holy Word
  3. Unholy Word
MR, SI(Illusion), PoMB, SoPfM Cure Disease, PoMB, SoPfM
101 Decaying Decaying Dolorous Decay MR, SI(Necromancy), SoPfM SoPfM
Nausiated Diseased -1 penality to all saving throws, and to THAC0. Ghast/Ghoul
043 Domination Dominated Character gets under the casting creature control. Domination Chaotic Commands
100 Doom Doomed Gives the character a -2 penalty to all rolls including THAC0 and saving throws. Doom MR, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Alteration) PoMB, SoPfM
Energy Drain Energy Drain This spell permanently drains a certain number of levels from the victim. They can be restored with Greater Restoration and Lesser Restoration spells. 
  1. Vampire/Shadow special attack
  2. Energy Drain
Negative Plane Protection, Barbarian Rage, Enrage Lesser Restoration, Greater Restoration
113 Enfeebled Enfeebled Reduce strength to 5. Feeblemind MR, Chaotic Commands, SI(Enchantment), Potion of Clarity, Barbarian Rage, Enrage, PoMB, SoPfM Cure Disease, DM, RM, Heal, PoMB, SoPfM
144 Entangled Entangled The character can't walk and receives a -2 penalty to armor class. Entangle MR, Free Action, Potion of Freedom, SI(Alteration), PoMB, SoPfM DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM
Fatigue Fatigue Character has lower luck, making it easier to be hit by enemies and harder to hit them. Effect worsen for every 4 hours been awake for too long.
  1. Been awake too long(time varies with Constitution)
  2. when the Haste spell wears out
  3. after casting Lesser Restoration/Greater Restoration
097 Glass Dust Glass Dust The character suffer a -4 penalty to Armor Class and a -2 penalty to THAC0. Dust Mephit special attack
145 Grease Grease Lowers movement rate. Grease MR, PoMB, SoPfM, SI(Conjuration), Globe of Invulnerability DM, RM, PoMB, SoPfM, Free Action
Greater Malison Greater Malison -4 penalty on all saving throws. Greater Malison SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM PoMB, SoPfM
Held Held Player is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack or consume items.
  1. Hold Person/Hold Animal/Hold Monster
  2. Hold Undead
  3. Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
  4. Chromatic Orb
  5. Ghast/Ghoul/Shadow special attack
Arbane's Sword, Barbarian Rage, Chaotic Commands, Edventar's Gift, Enrage, Free Action, MR, Potion of Freedom, PoMB, SoPfM,


DM, PoMB, RM, Remove Paralysis, SoPfM
079 Imprisonment Imprisonment Imprisonement Avoid Death, Favored of the Spirits, Slayer Form, Enrage, SI(Abjuration), SoPfM, Shield of the Archons, Spell Deflection, Spell Turning, Spell Trap Freedom
STATES200005 Intoxicated
  1. Too much drinking at inns
  2. Murky Potion of Healing
  3. Speedily Stolen Slaves' Salve
  4. Wish effect
Rest, Exaltation
Intelligence drained by Mind Flayer Intelligence drained by Mind Flayer Every time an illithid of any type successfully performs a physical attack against someone, they lose 5 int points. When their int reaches 0 they die. The only way to prevent this is to prevent the illithid's attack from connecting in the first place. Undead are also immune. This damage quickly recovers on its own and CANNOT be restored with a lesser restoration spell. Mind Flayer's(Illithid) Devour Brain ability Protection from Magical Weapons Greater Restoration,
ends automatically after 30 seconds
Magic Resistance Lowered Magic Resistance Lowered A reduction of the character's magic resistance score.
  1. Pierce Magic
  2. Lower Resistance
078 Maze Mazed
  1. Maze
  2. Psionic Maze
Chaotic Commands, Barbarian Rage, Enrage (Berserker), Spell Deflection, Shield of the Archons, Spell Trap, Spell Turning, SI(Conjuration)[1] Freedom
131 Mental Combat Mental Combat After summoning the caster and elemental are locked in mental battle. Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental
Miscast Magic Miscast Magic Any spell casting attempt by an affected person has a % chance of failing. If the casting fails the spell is wasted. Summon Insects spell results in a 50% chance to miscast. Miscast Magic spell results in an 80% to miscast Miscast Magic SI(Enchantment)[1], PoMB, SoPfM
126 Nauseated Nauseated Ghast/Ghoul special attack
Panic Panic The character will is out of control and will run away from the enemy
  1. Spook
  2. Horror
  3. Cloak of Fear
  4. Wand of Fear
Barbarian Rage, Enrage, MR, Remove Fear, SI(Necromancy)[1], SI(Illusion)[2], Emotion: Hopelessness, Potion of Clarity, PoMB, SoPfM Remove Fear, DM, PoMB, RM, SoPfM, Spiritual Clarity
  1. Beholder eye ray attack
  2. Flesh to Stone
MR, Potion of Mirrored Eyes, SoPfM Stone to Flesh, Stone to Flesh (Green Scroll)
Poisened Poisoned

Most poisons cause the character to lose HP at a set rate (varies by source) until the poison is magically neutralized or death occurs. Opposed to regeneration.

  1. Various weapons
  2. Various creatures
  3. Class special ability
  4. Poison Spell
Protection from Magical Weapons[1],

PoMB [2,3], SI(Evocation)[3], SI(Necromancy)[2], SoPfM[2,3]

Antidote[1,2], DM[3], Elixir of Health[1,2], Neutralize Poison[1,2], RM[3], Slow Poison[1,2], SoPfM[3]
124 Polymorphed Polymorphed The character is turned into a squirrel.
  1. Polymorph Other
  2. Wand of Polymorphing

SI(Alteration)[1], SoPfM

DM, PoMB ?, RM, SoPfM
002 Rigid Thinking Rigid Thinking The character randomly wander, stand in place or attack nearest creature. Rigid Thinking (Status effect) SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM, Chaotic Commands DM, RM, SoPfM
Silenced Silenced Character can no longer cast spells.
  1. Silence, 15' Radius
  2. Power Word, Silence
MR, Vocalize, SI(Alteration), PoMB, SoPfM Vocalize, PoMB, SoPfM
014 Sleep Sleep The character lay down and cannnot move, attack, or use items.
  1. Sleep
  2. Command
  3. Stinking Cloud
  4. Greater Command
  5. Emotion: Hopelessness
  6. Power Word, Sleep
  7. Sleep Cloud (Staff of Air)
MR, SI(Enchantment), PoMB, SoPfM, Chaotic Commands DM, RM, SoPfM
Slow Slow Character moves and attacks at a slower rate than usual, opposed to haste. Does not affect spellcasting.
  1. Holy Word
  2. Slow
  3. Unholy Word
MR, SI(Alteration), Edventar's Gift, Free Action, PoMB, SoPfM DM, Haste, PoMB, RM, SoPfM
Spell Failure Spell Failure Any spell casting attempt by an affected person fails, causing the spell to be wasted. Insect Plague
055 Stun Stun
  1. Various weapons
  2. Chromatic Orb
  3. Holy Word
  4. Power Word, Stun
  5. Symbol, Stun
  6. Psionic Blast
  7. Unholy Word
Barbarian Rage, Chaotic Commands, Enrage, MR, SI(Evocation)[1], PoMB[1], SoPfM Remove Paralysis, PoMB[1], SoPfM
130 Unconscious Unconscious The character lay down and cannot move, attack, or use items.
129 Webbed Webbed The character is frozen for a number of seconds. They cannot move, attack, or use items. Web Edventar's Gift, Free Action, MR, PoMB, SI(Evocation), SoPfM DM, RM, SoPfM

Effects Interactions[]

In the Enhanced Editions, almost no spells stack with themselves, but they do with each other. Some exceptions are:

  • Holy Power stacks with itself by giving extra HP with each casting. The strength and THAC0 remain the same, regardless of the number of castings.
  • Champion's Strength stacks with itself by improving the THAC0 with each casting. The strength remains the same, regardless of the number of castings.

In the original games, many spells do stack with themselves.

Bhaalspawn abilities like Draw Upon Holy Might and Vampiric Touch don't stack with their cleric and mage equivalents.

Quick Reference Chart []


