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This is the 2nd level of Spellhold labyrinth.

Description of Area[]

This is the second of three dungeon levels that must be navigated by the party in order to get to the point where the final phases of the mysterious Apparition Arbiter tests will take place.

The dungeon level is fully constructed of stone blocks, doors, archways, dropping portcullis gates, and elaborate illumination (braziers/sconces). There are two storage areas, long corridors, a library, a cavern, and even an elaborate tomb.

This level of the dungeon labyrinth is an oddly designed area with various tests, riddles, hazards and passages that can be explored as desired. Some are optional, others must be solved. There are few clues given that make what to do obvious to the party. Each location within this level will need to be examined and explored in order to rule out what is needed and to find out what rewards and possibilities exist. For a first-time player, the best way to approach this dungeon level is to carefully explore everything.

As this labyrinth was obviously designed by the builder to facilitate tests of the mind, it will be potentially rewarding and confusing.

On the map[]

  • No Automap Marker are placed on the player's map on this area.
  • There are two transition entrance/exit points on the map that lead to/from AR1512 Spellhold Bodhi's Hunt Level 1.

Gameplay (abbreviated walkthrough)[]

Enter the second level of the labyrinth[]

There are two entrances from level 1 to choose from. It doesn't matter which one is taken, as the party needs to explore the entire place in order to figure out how to escape the asylum. At this stage of the process that isn't really known, so there are only questions or vague clues, with no identified specific goal to attain. Also, the party isn't sure when or if Bodhi will be encountered, just that she made it clear that the party is going through a gauntlet and the bhaalspawn and companions' are prey for her hunt.

Portcullis room[]

For purposes of getting this area described, we'll start at the dungeon entrance that is accessed the from the south-east side of level 1, corresponding to the south-west side of level 2. Transition into a descending stair well. An open doorway with a large and empty room is seen ahead. Across the room is another similar open doorway leading to another room. There is no other way to go. If the party has a rogue that can detect traps, then decide if that is something worth doing. Closer examination of the open doorway ahead reveals small iron lined holes in the door frame and floor connection. At the top of the doorway is a slit cut into the middle of the frame and keystone.

Explore further into the second room, which is the same dimensions as the first, and yet another doorway lies ahead with the holes and slit. At some point a trigger will initiate that drops a portcullis down from the slit and locking into the holes on the floor. This effectively partitions room 1 from 2 and prevents leaving room 2 further into the adjoining corridor. Immediately thereafter a group of Umber Hulk creatures appear in each room. It's possible that the party may be split when this occurs. The hulking brutes attack if any party members are detected. Note that the portcullis gates won't rise up and open for a period of time. Long enough that the Umber Hulks will have time to assault.

Long Corridor[]

This corridor is straight and oriented in an east-west compass direction. Peering as far as the visual range allows, no doors or adjoining passages are seen. The corridor has regularly spaced illumination sources providing low level lighting. Eventually a randomly determined grouping of hostile enemies will be observed - these will be either a Yuan-ti creatures with a Yuan-ti Mage or mummies and Ghast monsters. To continue these adversaries will need to be defeated.

The corridor ends at a junction where there is a "T" connection. A closed double door is found leading south, and another corridor leads north.

Through the double doors[]

Unlocked double doors can be opened. A corridor leads south. Another set of double doors is seen further ahead on the west side of the corridor, and a passage or alcove is opposite.

Moving forward will reveal a spawned group of undead. The composition of the undead creatures is determined by the protagonist's XP level. If over 2M XP it will include a Lich. If the lich is able to detect a party member, then it will initiate its initial spell casting that is uninterruptible.

The undead is initially positioned in a close cluster that appears to be a cut-out alcove used for storage, with various vessels like urns and jars that can be searched for valuables and other found items of use.

The library[]

Across from the undead spawn location are closed double doors. If they are opened a library or study of some type is seen with shelving full of dusty books, manuscripts and other odds and ends, furnishings and storage containers. More items can be scavenged in here. Mod content (see below) may add a hostile denizen to the library.

The builder's tomb[]

Moving further past the library and storage alcove and turning a corner lead to a set of closed double doors. Passing through the doors will reveal a fairly large ornate chamber with impressive decorative features and a high ceiling. The room is lit, and dominating the center of the chamber is a stone sarcophagus. This place is a tomb of some kind. A male undead being, with a vampiric appearance stands at the ready, neutral at the moment. The creature will speak in a hollow voice:

"Stand and speak that I would hear your lies! That Bodhi sent you, didn't she?! Are you to kill me, or are you as damned as I?"

It appears that this creature isn't allied with Bodhi. The player's combat screen labels this vampire as Dace Sontan, although it never actually mentions this in any dialogue, but does later in the player's the journal entry.

With dialogue, the party can approach this encounter in a few ways. It can immediately opt to tell the vampire that they are going to kill him, or that they are here to kill him. If so then the vampire will attack.

Or, through dialogue the party can say that (paraphrased) Bodhi has sentenced me to this place, and we should work together to escape - Dace will then reply:

"I work here alone against all that would come! I have sealed the way, and only my hand can open what is now closed!"

The party can then remark and question him if he's mad, or even listening, or just bent on fighting anyone he meets. Dace will reply:

"Ha HA! I removed the crystals that focus the magic for the door! Left it to rot in a pile of refuse! The kobolds have taken it now. They worship it, the fools! No way out for you! You'll starve here! Starve!"

Immediately following this, the player's journal updates:

"Escaping the asylum: I encountered Dace Soltan, whom Bodhi mentioned. He was raving that only the hand of the creator (his hand?) could open the door out. I think he also removed the crystal that focuses the magic that opens the door and left it to rot in a pile of refuse. He said something about kobolds worshipping it? He is definitely insane."
Note:With this journal entry the party has its first meaningful clue of how to pass through the blocked "Head of the Builder" back on level 1 of the labyrinth.

If the party has already wiped out the Kobolds, obtained the crystal, and probably collected the Wooden Stake, then just battling Dace and staking his heart is possible. Dace must be killed to obtain The Hand of Dace. If the party doesn't free Dace from his tortuous undeath, then his Apparition will plead for relief if the party interacts with the sarcophagus after its corporal body is defeated. The good thing to do would be to stake the poor soul and send him to peaceful rest. If this is done, Dace's apparition will once again appear and give thanks for the good deed.

The storeroom[]

Reachable from the Ancient Tome chamber or from a corridor, this rectangular room is always occupied by at least one random spawned hostile creature (usually some type of undead mist). Other creatures are possible with certain Mod content.

This room is some sort of storage area, with many urns and storage jars/vessels. Examine them and find valuables and useful items.

Ancient Tome chamber[]

This area can be initially entered from the storeroom or from a transition point stairwell (and through a door) from Level 1 of the labyrinth.

In about the center half of the chamber is a curious bookstand. Atop this is some kind of Ancient Tome with opened pages visible, and indecipherable runic calligraphy. For what purpose is unknown.

If the player further examines and toggles the object, a text is displayed:

" Click again to turn the yellowed pages of this ancient tome."

Any party member can be selected to do the "click again" function - if so then another text is displayed:

"You turn a page in the ancient tome, and a magic portal suddenly opens, spawning a bloodthirsty monster!"

Each time a page is turned, a progressively tougher monster is summoned, and there are five page turns allowed. The first is a Kobold Captain and the last is a beholder. Defeat the monsters for earned experience. Once the final monster is put down, a text message displays:

"The enchanted book creates several magical items for you."

The party then receives Edventar's Gift, and scrolls of Simulacrum and Summon Fiend. A nice haul for little risk.

Crystal cavern[]

On the west wall of the Ancient Tome chamber can be found a secret wall panel. Open it and a passage leads into a quasi-shaped cut stone and cavern combination area. The party may immediately be noticed by various Imp, Quasit and Kobold defenders who are hostile. Expect various Arrow of Fire missiles being launched from bow wielding kobolds.

Obviously, these creatures can't take much punishment and can be easily mowed down with little risk. In most cases a single fighter type from the party can just enter alone and continue within and wipe out everything in its way. A Death Spell will probably kill all in the area of effect.

A cavern chamber with more kobolds will be found, as well as a few passages leading east will be seen, but the most prominent feature is huge pinkish colored crystal in the center of the cave. If examined with a cursor toggle the crystal will display a text:

"This crystal appears to be the focus of the kobolds' worship. It pulses with a strange light. Perhaps it feeds off of the kobolds."

Based on the proximity of a party member to the crystal, the object will show a dialogue box on the screen and says:

"Come to me... Kurtulmak find focus in the crystal... feast from here... feast on your bones!"

This will spawn two Kobold Shaman creatures, one will say "Yip! We discovered! No time! No time! Avatar not focused! Crystal not ready!", the other says "Avatar not formed! Kurtulmak not ready!" and then the shaman will cast some spells. The Crystal will then trigger an action after it says:

"Focus... but not fully formed! Protect me! Protect or we are shattered once again and again! Call forth the Guardians!"

This action summons a Kobold Witch Doctor and some relatively high-level (for kobolds that is) guards. The witch doctor will cast a spell or two, and the guards will attack. Additionally, there will be a creature that looks like Halfling amongst the kobolds. This is the avatar of Kurtulmak (it behaves as a melee attacking kobold). When the witch doctor and kobolds are destroyed the Crystal shows a text display on the combat screen:

"It ends! All is lost!"

At this time another message displays:

"With the kobold avatar slain, you are easily able to take a piece of the crystal. All is silent except for a faint, mournful wail, barely discernible."

The PC will then receive Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard in their inventory. Thus ends this cavern episode. Feel free to collect any items from the fallen, especially the single Wooden Stake. Without that stake the party won't be able to send Dace Sontan to his final rest.

Note:With the party in possession of The Hand of Dace and Kurtulmak's Crystal Shard, return to Level 1 of the labyrinth and visit the "Head of the builder". This will allow passage to Spellhold Bodhi's Hunt Level 3 to continue the Escaping the asylum quest.


Enemies (alphabetical order)[]


(see Map notes in InfoBox for "T" locations)


Kobold Avatar[]




Ancient Tome test[]

Dace Sontan[]



Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Improved Asylum mod adds additional content to this level. You can find another adventuring party that fights to escape the maze, but only one party can survive. An additional component can add a Lich encounter (it could be the second lich found on this level depending on protagonist XP level).

Sword Coast Stratagems revises the AI scripts for all enemy creatures. The Beholder and Mind Flayer get the SCS reworked innate eye beams and psionic abilities respectively. If the party faces the experience level dependent Lich spawn then that creature will be particularly more efficient with spell casts and also have much more staying power. Dace Soltan can be a bit more of a challenge as well if the "Improved Vampires" component is installed. Enjoy!

Mod gallery[]

Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere
