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The Southern Dungeons is a crypt containing tombs and can be accessed via the Lower Tombs beneath the Athkatla Graveyard during the Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn campaign.

Gameplay and walkthrough[]

Mosaic Hall[]

Entering from the Lower Tombs puts you in the northwest part of a large hall with an ornate tile mosaic face on the floor. Checking will reveal traps in each eye, the chin, and left hand (crossed over to the right side). However, walking pass the crest/crown of the face to disarm traps, sets off a silent trigger that crosses the entire hall. Be prepared for undead that spawn, entering in from alcoves on either side. Undead include two ghasts, two wights, two Skeleton Warriors, two Zombie that are immune to normal missiles, and an unamed vampire; the latter, from the northeastern-most alcove (1300.540) that you can be defeated by itself if you don't cross the whole hall while battling the other undead. An urn in the middle of the north wall can be looted.

A secret door in the southwestern-most alcove leads to hallways to the rest of the dungeon.


Pass the secret door are two mummies. At the hallway intersection is a group of Shadows (×2), Wraiths (×2), and a Shadow Fiend.[2] An urn behind a brazier can be looted.

Taking the hallway to the southeast you see a standing sarcophagus on the north wall. A trap crosses the hall in front of the sarcophagus. Once disarmed click on the sarcophagus to get a status message "You may open this sarcophagus if you wish." Clicking again releases its occupant which attacks you straight-away.

"An undead thing pulls itself from the sarcophagus, mumbling angry words in some alien tongue. The thing turns its dead eyes towards you as you recoil in horror."

It is another skeleton warrior, this one wielding Halcyon, a spear +1 that inflicts an extra point of electrical damage. Pass the sarcophagus is yet another mummy, and beyond it is another group of undead that can respawn later; it includes Mummies (×3) and Ghasts (×2).[1] The hall ends at a small square tomb.

South from the hallway intersection is another trap, to the right of another standing sarcophagus, just north of an alcove. Once disarmed, go just pass the alcove to check again for traps. Disarm the trap just before the brazier, then follow the hall to the southeast to another tomb.


The southeast hallway leads to a small room with a square structure. Clicking it reveals, "This standing sarcophagus is long-sealed by stone." Only the urn and crate can be looted.

The hallway south leads to a large tomb room. Check the containers here off to the side, however looters have already raided the tomb. "This tomb has been cracked open and anything of value has been removed. Looters have broken the fingers of the corpse, no doubt to take something it was holding."


During Edwin's companion quest to Find the Nether Scroll for Edwin, you will also have a run-in with Nevaziah (2168.1300) who holds what Edwin seeks; the Nether Scroll.

Related Quests[]


Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems mod revises undead creatures, the Vampyre and Nevaziah with improved AI scripts in this dungeon.



  1. 1.0 1.1 RDUNDEAD.CRE