The Sea Troll is a marine breed of trolls that has developed gills in order to hunt in salt water.
Its scales are olive-blue in color. Despite being the same size as the ordinary troll (9 feet), a saltwater troll's forelimbs are shorter and weaker than those of an ordinary troll, but it has developed a huge maw and numerous fangs.
Like most other trolls it regenerates, and once brought to an unconscious state (with a minimum of 1 hit point), it becomes impervious to everything but acid and fire damage. If it is not quickly slain, it regains its health and rises up to fight again.
- Sewers (Temple District) - The "beasties" are bad for business, so Roger the Fence wants it dead. How a saltwater-loving troll crawled up the (presumably) fresh-water (albeit dirty) sewage system is left unexplained.