Baldur's Gate Wiki


Before use:

The mysterious Rift Device

This rod is said to be so destructive that it was cursed by the gods and buried deep within the earth. The ancient god Amaunator and his worshippers were charged with the task of guarding it. Amaunator's fading avatar has allowed you to use it with the expressed purpose of destroying the Unseeing Eye. The avatar asked that you return it when your task is done, as it would be exceptionally dangerous to bring this device above ground.

— Rift Device

After use:

After having used the Rift Device, it cannot be used again due to the curse put upon it. The avatar who gave it to you asked that you return it to him when you have used it to help defeat the Unseeing Eye.

— Rift Device

WARNING: If you try to take the rift device (used or unused) outside the tunnels into the sewers, you'll watch a cinematic where you turn to dust, the game then forces you to reload. A text display reads: "As you were warned, attempting to take the Rift Device from the dungeon has brought the full force of the curse down upon you. You die with much suffering."


At least in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition and as of version, make sure not to use the Rift Device with a character protected by Spell Shield. If you do, the used-up device will never appear in their backpack, and it won't be possible to complete the quest of the fading god's avatar.
