Resurrection Gorge is an area in Amn in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
Summoning circle
Notable loot[]
- Rogue Stone – inside the trapped and locked chest that is close to the waterfall, inside the gorge.
- Wand of Glitterdust – inside the glowing crystal cache that lies behind the corrupted ankhegs, inside the gorge.
- Purple Crystal – inside the glowing crystal cache that lies behind the corrupted ankhegs, inside the gorge.
- Fil's Summoning Stone – obtained from Fil.
- Winterbrook's Summoning Stone – obtained from Winterbrook.
- Xachrimos's Summoning Stone – obtained from Xachrimos.
- Abyssal Blade – obtained from Xachrimos.
- The Visage – reward from Ur-Gothoz if you don't betray him.