Baldur's Gate Wiki

I'll not taint the beauty of the night with superfluous chatter.

Rededge is a member of the Thieves' Guild in the city of Baldur's Gate. He assists Narlen Darkwalk in his heists and once Scar has been replaced with Angelo Dosan he flees to the Shop of Silence, where he can be talked to for some background information and an explanation for his lack of dialogue during the heists with Narlen.

I daresay, the guard is downright rude these days! I say wot, it is good to see a familiar face, eh, chum? Lost many a friend in the fortnight afore this, I have. I fear Narlen be incarcerated, or worse.

He can be killed for no reputation loss and a free cloak though his provocation only results in a warning – he won't turn hostile.

As of version 2.6.60 of Enhanced Edition he can be pickpocketed or killed for the cloak a total of five times at every stage of Narlen's quest.


After talking to him an entry in your journal is added:

The Thieves' Guild has had a lot of troubles since Angelo became commander of the Flaming Fist.

— Journal


  • Rededge will only appear in the Shop of Silence in Chapter 7 if things ended well between you and Narlen. In that case, he replaces the generic rogue that's normally in the store. Both give you the same information, though.

