Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

Quinn is a dwarf who can be found wandering around in his house in the district of Northwest Baldur's Gate. His friend Nester was killed by ankhegs. He will ask Gorion's Ward and party to recover his friend's dagger for him.


In the original Baldur's Gate, Quinn is given the specs of a human, although his animation is that of a dwarf. His voice has no specific racial features, as is the case for other dwarves. The Enhanced Edition fixes this.

However, the journal entry which states that he's a gnome,[1] remains unchanged. While gnomes in the original game have no distinct animations and indeed use the same ones as dwarves, a change to this would have been possible with the Enhanced Edition's expanded resources, THIEF_MALE_GNOME.



  1. QUINN.dlg, response 1: "Quinn's Friend
    A young gnome by the name of Quinn informs me that some ankhegs have been causing chaos upriver from Baldur's Gate, along the east bank, just north of the witch Tenya's home. His friend Nester has already met his fate in their midst, and Quinn has asked me to return there in the hopes of finding something for the burial. To be honest, I don't expect there'll be too much of Nester left... but the boy is grieving, so I will do as asked. Quinn can be found in the northwest section of the city.