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Baldur's Gate Wiki

Psionic Maze is an innate ability available to a few Githyankis such as Simyaz, various githyanki with Kruin, a number of creatures in the Watcher's Keep Githyanki Encampment, and in The Black Pits II only, the Gish (githyanki).


The effect is directed at a single creature target in visible range of the source creature. The Psionic Maze will require the target to make a Saving throw vs. spell with a -4 penalty or suffer a Maze effect that lasts a variable duration based on the victim's Intelligence score. The effect is non magical and can't be dispelled.

The Psionic ability will bypass Magic resistance and can be blocked by spell protections that prevent level 8 Spell Power to penetrate, such as Spell Deflection or Spell Trap. Chaotic Commands, Enrage and Barbarian Rage will also protect against it. A Potion of Magic Shielding will also block it since it ensures the saving throw always succeeds.


Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Sword Coast Stratagems mod assigns this Psionic Ability to Mind Flayer creatures of all types as well as the Githyanki. It is one of the core Psionic Ability that SCS modified Mind Flayers possess.
