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Baldur's Gate Wiki

Priest of Cyric is a cleric class male human encountered during Baldur's Gate II Chapter 6 in the North Forest (Shadows of Amn) area.


This priest is part of an unknown mixed group of adventurers or perhaps mercenaries encountered in about the center of the area map. The whole group is hostile to any intruders that are detected.

The priest will let loose a chain of protective buffs when hostilities begin, to include Strength of One, Chant, and Blade Barrier. Next will be an attempted Death Ward if the cleric spots a fighter class enemy.

Now he'll go on the offensive with an Earthquake, then a Flame Strike, Cloak of Fear and Hold Person (priest).

When the priest is wounded to a set threshold percentage, he'll try a Cure Serious Wounds. and if near death a Heal spell.

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Sword Coast Stratagems mod assigns a new default Smarter Priest AI script for potion use, and spell casting choice and targeting. A revised spell book is provided. Weapon proficiencies are adjusted to 1 pip in mace and two-weapon style.

The cleric will have the following "previously cast" spells at the outset of battle: Blade Barrier, Armor of Faith, Magic Resistance (spell), Draw Upon Holy Might (spell), Free Action (spell), and Chaotic Commands.

The cleric carries a priest scroll in inventory, as well as a random potion for quaffing by script.

With the The Broken Lanthorn mod installed - this cleric has one of the missing lens pieces needed to repair/complete the Rhynn Lanthorn.
