Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki
Disambiguation icon Not to be confused with North Forest (Throne of Bhaal).

North Forest is a sub part of the Forest of Tethir that is reachable in Baldur's Gate II Chapter 6 after the party receives The Elven City Requires My Aid questline from Elhan in the Elven Temple at Underdark Exit area.

This area is only reachable on the World Map as a travel destination after traversing the Small Teeth Pass map. Once that has occurred, the area can be travelled to as a valid destination without having to go through the pass first.


This area was originally planned as part of a plot/story by the Bioware developers to facilitate a quest. The quest was to involve the Rhynn Lanthorn recovered from Bodhi. It isn't completely clear exactly what the plot intended but based on clues left behind in remnants of the game files, it may have involved finding parts or pieces of the Lanthorn, in order to make the artifact whole again.

Due to game release deadlines, Bioware wasn't able to complete this plot arc before the release of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The planned quest was abandoned.

The content already completed for the area maps Small Teeth Pass, North Forest and Forest of Tethir were retained in the game and do have some unaffiliated encounters, spawns, treasure etc. - but no longer are tied to the unrealized Rhynn Lanthorn recovery.

On the map[]

The player is furnished no "Automap Notes" for this area.


If the player elects to travel to this location - the party will transition to this forested place and arrives in the north central sector of the map.

The party has no quest required actions in this area in the unmodified game, and can freely explore it as they desire, or the area can be ignored and never visited at the discretion of the player.

Various deer, rabbit and moose wildlife wander the forest here.

Circle of stones and central altar/sarcophagus[]

NF Efreeti Dao

Nearby where the party enters a map is a small, elevated mound with a circle of stone posts surrounding an Altar, or perhaps a stone sarcophagus (marked as altar in the game files). During daytime hours an Efreeti and a Dao djinni seemingly guard this place. They are hostile and will attack any detected party members.

During nighttime hours the guardians are replaced by a pair of Ancient vampires.

If the party is able to best these foes, the lid on the central container has a complex lock (difficulty 95). Once opened, much random rich treasure is discovered.

Mercenary group[]

NF Merc Group

Near the center of the map is a gathered group of unknown humanoids and a skeleton warrior. A large plate mail clad Orog is present here, and an armored dwarf as well. A real mixed bag of races. Perhaps they are adventurers or mercenaries. If any party members are detected, they don't bother to hail the party or try to converse - they attack on sight.

The group is composed of a Archer (North Forest), Duergar (North Forest), Sorcerer (North Forest), Mercenary (North Forest), Priest of Cyric (North Forest), Skeleton Warrior, and Thief (North Forest) (who is invisible to start with and may not be seen initially).

The group aren't pushovers, and have some competent experience levels, some enchanted equipment items and a variety of spell casting options. Note that the Sorcerer is already protected with an active stoneskin - in case the party planned a backstabbing attack.

Other spawned encounters[]

Various spawn points on the map exist and will generate hostile enemy creatures at those locations when the area map is entered. The time of the day/night plays into the creature types encountered at some of the spawn points. See the creatures section below.


After exploring and defeating any map enemies here, the North Forest area has no additional offerings. Subsequent visits after a rest period can still spawn more creatures on this map - so it is possible to get some XP "farming" in this area. However, there is more exciting and mission-oriented gameplay opportunities in Chapter 7.




  • Seven items of rich random treasure in one container, identified as an "Altar" in the area files, but has the look of a stone sarcophagus.

Screenshots gallery[]

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems mod revises various creatures on this map with new AI scripts for more flexible and "smarter" behavior.

The Golem Construction for Spellcasters mod adds a "Lesser Adamantine" golem to the mercenary group.

The Broken Lanthorn mod has content in this area and is necessary to complete this mod's questline.

Restored Rhynn Lanthorn Quest mod also has content here in the North Forest. Note that this mod isn't compatible with The Broken Lanthorn mod above, and vice versa. Only one lanthorn mod at a time is needed and workable.
