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Baldur's Gate Wiki


Nara, an apprentice Mage provided by Teos for you to instruct and guide toward graduation - PPE Mod portrait

Nara is one of the three aspiring Cowled Wizards who will become an apprentice to Gorion's Ward as part of the Mage Stronghold quest during the Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn campaign.

I really must apologize, but apprentice mages are not allowed to speak with the friends of the master.[1]

She is the only female of the three apprentices, and is arguably the moderately competent of the three, being more likely to die during magic item creation than Morul, but less likely than Larz.


Mage Book[]

Nara has five spells memorized and, in case a fight happens, will use all of them in the following order before switching to her darts:[2]

  1. Mirror Image
  2. Power Word, Sleep
  3. Chromatic Orb
  4. Blindness
  5. Protection From Petrification


  1. MGAPPR03.DLG; State 17 – "I really must apologize, but apprentice mages are not allowed to speak with the friends of the master. Please, I can only talk to <CHARNAME>."