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Naljier Skal is an unhinged bard who can be found amongst the inmates at Spellhold during the course of Baldur's Gate II: Shadowns of Amn.

I used to have pretties piled high to the sky... don't remember where they are though... Mm, pretties...


Naljier Skal was apparently once a bard of some repute and a skilled mage who was known to conduct experiments into planar travel and divination. From what little is known, he attempted to work some magic to divine what lays "beyond the gods", and, according to Jon Irenicus, something apparently didn't like him looking. He was struck by a magical malady that reduced him to the mental level of a child, but still possessing his full magical capabilities, a dangerous combination that saw him banished to Spellhold.

He is killed as part of the efforts by Gorion's Ward and their friends to defeat Jon Irenicus, falling in battle against the cursed elven archmage.


The player can interact with Naljier Skal when they first arrive at the Main Floor for Spellhold. Either "The Coordinator" will introduce them to Naljier as he gives them a tour of the asylum's inmates, or they can encounter Naljier as they explore the common rooms once Lonk lets them out of their cells.

If the player talks to Naljier during this stage, and brings up the topic of "pretties", he will give the player a random gemstone. This even can occur several times and is driven by dialogue and interest in his ramblings. After several gems are produced, he loses interest, and the free gemstones cease. No more pretties for the party.

While in the cellblock, Naljier is equipped with a MINHP1.ITM to prevent death and for plot purposes. Once he's involved in the battle with Irenicus later in the adventure, he is vulnerable. Like all the other inmates who participate in that fight, their death is a scripted certainty.

Naljier has no scripted use of mage spells in the unmodified game and carries no weaponry. When the bard goes into the battle against Irenicus with the other inmates and the party, Naljier can't contribute anything meaningful. He has no bard song use either.

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere

Sword Coast Stratagems mod makes revisions to this bard so that it can contribute some spellcasting during the battle with Irenicus.

Naljier is provided an AI script that allows an opening previously cast trigger that applies Mirror Image and Shield (spell). If able, he can cast Glitterdust, Magic Missile, Lightning Bolt and Icelance (if the IWD spell component is also installed). A Soundburst spell will be attempted with the Spell Revisions mod installed.

Twp potions for quaffing are supplied and scripted for use during the battle. One for boosting protections and the other to heal damage. No melee weapon is given for fighting.

External Links[]
