Baldur's Gate Wiki

Minotaur are chaotic evil tall and muscular humanoid creatures with coarse fur-covered bodies and bull-like heads. They tend to favor axes as weapons.

These beasts are able to get into melee range and commence close quarters combat, swinging their battle Axe with great strength. In the original game, it looks as if the monster was modeled on the Ogre and given a different animation. The creature has 3 pips in "Spiked Weapon" proficiency assigned, like the Ogre, but none of the in-game Minotaur actually use this weapon category. This is likely an oversight.


Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn[]

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal[]

The monster comes—prepare your weapons.

Gladiators of Thay[]

  • Two are among the team of opponents fought in Tier 1 – Battle 2[3]

Known minotaurs[]

Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems mod makes modest revisions to the basic 4 HD versions of these minotaur creatures. A default SCS Fighter Script is assigned for better and smarter tactical AI behavior. The Minotaur is also provided with 2 pips in Axe weapon proficiency and 2 pips in single weapon fighting style. This improves THAC0, damage, critical hit chances and armor class slightly.

External links[]


  1. UMBER01.itm
  2. SPWNMON.bcs
  3. OHB_102.bcs