Baldur's Gate Wiki

Malakar is a katana +2 in terms of enchantment. It has a -2 THAC0 bonus, deals 1d10+2 points of slashing damage and it offers an Armor Class bonus of 2 vs. slashing weapons. The weapon has a weight of 4 lbs. and a speed factor of 2.

This sword can be obtained in Spellhold while exploring Bodhi's Hunt Level 3. The Spirit Troll behind the painted walls will drop it when it's killed.


This sleek katana radiates magical energy when carried. The Malakar, or "Dueling Steel," was used by a less-than-honorable samurai during duels against other samurai. As if of its own volition, it will swoop down and deflect the slashing attacks of other weapons. It is perfect for the warrior concerned about defense as well as offense.