Baldur's Gate Wiki

AR3600BG1worldmap Lighthouse is one of the areas from the World Map.
May Tymora bless the peasants of this land for their lives are never easy.

— From the journal

Also called Seawatcher, the Lighthouse is a wilderness area on the Sword Coast. With shorelines at the north and the west it can only be left to the south, where an archaeological site is located, and to the east, heading roughly into the direction of High Hedge.


The eponymous but abandoned lighthouse can be found in a small walled area in the southwest, together with two desolate houses. To the north a bay with some sandy beaches cuts off the direct path to a cave, which is located on sirine territory and is said to hold the treasures of the Black Alaric, a pirate of legends.

Side quests[]




  • Ardrouine (1415,3685) – a child's worried mother and quest giver.
  • Arkushule (3496,2953) – a friendly yet evil-aligned palmist, who soon gets frightened by the ancestry of Gorion's Ward which she might read from their hand.
  • Pallonia (3508,1660) – an astrologer with a particular eye for the big picture.
  • Sil (341,1160) – a wrathful matriarch of her tribe of sirines who has little patience with trespassers of their living-lands.


Notable loot[]

Main article: Black Alaric's Cave


Gameplay (community)[]

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  • It is advisable to get Safana no later than at level 4, when she has 19 hit points out of the possible 24; at level 6 this discrepancy gets larger and she misses 11 points from the maximum.
    • However, a quest that only can be acquired later in the game – namely in Chapter Five, after having access to the Gate – ties in with Safana's time-sensitive treasure hunt, so level 4 might not be an option.
  • It's always stormy weather here and yes, you can get hit by lightning and yes, it hurts --Lytora (talk) 12:24, March 1, 2020 (UTC)