Koshi is a male fighter who is found on the second floor of the Guarded Compound in Athkatla's Temple District.
If Gorion's Ward and party intrude and decide to explore the second floor, Koshi will attack along with the rest of his group, including Sion, Ketta, Maferan, Stalman and Olaf Rassmusen, providing the party with quite a tough battle.
- Koshi is a powerful Kensai that can deal out a lot of damage very quickly by dual-wielding Celestial Fury and a Katana +1 while hasted by Oil of Speed, making him a force to be reckoned with.
- He also has his movement rate increased by 2.
Notable Loot[]
Celestial Fury[]
In addition to 1d10+3 (slashing) damage, each hit from Celestial Fury can Stun (save vs spell) with a 5% chance of +20 electrical damage. Further, once per day its wielder can cause Blindness, and call a Lightning Strike (10d6 electrical, save vs Spell for half).
- In the classic Baldur's Gate II:
Shadows of Amn (2000)
This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn campaign. game, Koshi was a fighter with no kit; therefore it was not against 2e rules to equip a helmet. - Koshi's kit was upgraded in the Enhanced Edition to kensai, although the helmet remains, perhaps because the developers missed it, or just decided not to remove it.
Mod content[]
- This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
Sword Coast Stratagems revises Koshi. He now wields Celestial Fury in the main hand and the Katana +1 in the offhand, but now with properly calculated Kensai kit benefits. Koshi has 5-pips Katana weapon proficiency and 3 pips in two-weapon style. As a level 16 Kensai, Koshi's kit grants an additional +4 attack speed factor bonus, +5 THAC0 bonus, +5 damage bonus, and a +2 Armor Class bonus. Final attacks per round is now 3. Koshi's new adjusted THACO with the Celestial Fury katana is -10. Final damage will be 1d10 +9 slashing damage. SCS will use the three available Kai abilities provided. With the Kai ability, Koshi will deal 25 damage with the main hand weapon on every hit until the ability expires, and then the next Kai will be initiated. Koshi also has three Dispel Magic and eight Symbol, Fear (wizard) spells memorized (cast as a level 1 mage).