Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

Kiel's Helmet protects the wearer from critical hits as well as from panic and fear by boosting morale.

This helmet was once the property of Kiel the Legion Killer, the oldest child of Durlag Trollkiller and Islanne. Kiel died while fighting the doppelgangers who invaded his father's tower. He also has a morning star and a buckler which can be found in a chest near his grave.


This is the helmet worn by Kiel the Legion Killer, firstborn son of Durlag Trollkiller and Clan-prince of his father's ill-fated tower. It is said that anyone who wears it is granted immunity to all forms of fear and panic, be their origins natural or magical.


Tales of the Sword Coast:[]

Found lying on the floor in front of the throne in the throne room on the second labyrinth level of Durlag's Tower.

Siege of Dragonspear:[]

Worn by Grimgor

The Black Pits II:[]

Worn by Merle and Symm Haximus


  • By equipping this helmet, you nullify the fear curse from Durlag's Goblet when using it for healing purposes.

