Baldur's Gate Wiki

The lawful neutral Baldur's Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1Baldur's Gate (1998)
This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
/ evil Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoDBaldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
Jebadoh and his fellow fishermen, Sonner and Telman, tortured and murdered the mother of Tenya.

That bitch priestess was taking tribute from us for years! The price just kept climbing, and you can't sail without appeasing Umberlee! The cleric of Talos in Baldur's Gate said...

Dialogue when charmed[]

Lately, a young priestess of Umberlee has been causin' me and my friends a lot of trouble. Seems she wants revenge against us for killing her mother. Well, we had to. A Talos priest promised his favor upon us if we did. Caught between gods, we are. You are as well.

