Jardak is a fighter who can be found on the second floor of his house which is located in North Baldur's Gate. He will accuse the player's party of killing his butler Drelik and attack, even if you haven't actually killed Drelik.
What have you done?! My butler wouldn't have let you up here... unless you killed him. Pathetic wretches, do you know what you have done? Your screams will echo in hell for all eternity for your insolence!
- 1-Hey, hold on mister. It was your butler who attacked us! We just defended ourselves. If you're going to have hired help, make sure that you get someone a little smarter next time.
- 2-Who are you, and where did you get that cool armor? Hmmm, at least you have better fashion sense than your butler.
Both reply's get this response:
You don't understand the gravity of your situation. Stinking brigands, draw steel so that we may fight to the death!