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Various stages of Phaere & Solaufein’s quests have time limits, some of which are three days long, some are only a few in-game hours. Make haste in the progress else the drow city will become hostile, closing all related quests.

Inside the Drow City is a compendium of side quests and ordered actions involving Phaere that link to the overarching quest line Recover the Silver Dragon's Eggs. The player's journal entries could actually be defined as "Phaere's Tasks" since almost all are derived upon orders or actions initiated through her.

Gameplay and abbreviated walkthrough[]

Rescue the Matron mothers' daughter[]

The Handmaiden Imrae has ordered Solaufein and your party (from Ched Nasad) to rescue Matron Mother Ardulace Despana daughter from some illithids. Apparently, her daughter was captured while conducting some kind of reconnaissance in the Underdark. It just so happens that this daughter is Phaere.

Solaufein has told you to meet him at a location across the bridge near the entrance to the Eastern Tunnels in the Underdark. He'll be waiting for the party there. Solaufein has an item of power that can intercept and draw out the illithids before they can astrally travel to safety within their lair in those tunnels. If all goes according to plan, the illithids and their captive will be exposed, and your party can attack and overwhelm the kidnappers so she can be rescued.

There is a 12-hour time limit given by Solaufein. If you do not meet him within the allotted time, Phaere will perish, and all open quests, including the one from Adalon will be ruined. The party will have failed its main mission and complicated its escape from the Underdark. So, don't be late for the rendezvous.

When ready, the party should exit Ust Natha and travel to the south eastern corner of the Underdark, near the Eastern Tunnel marker to locate Solaufein.

Note:Leaving Ust Natha with this task means that the game will trigger the Adventuring Party (Underdark) encounter. After this encounter has been resolved, the party will need to cross the bridge further on – if the party has not done this yet, then the Kuo-toan Bridge encounter will occur.
UD Phaere's Rescue 1

Speak with Solaufein. He will say several lines of dialogue, and you may ask a question or two:

"Good, you are here. I was beginning to wonder how long I would have to remain waiting amongst these forsaken rocks before you showed up. But your timing could not be better. I sense that the illithids will come within range soon, and I may safely pull them out of the Astral Plane. Her name is Phaere of House Despana, eldest of the Matron Mother Ardulace. Be sure that you do not harm her, even by accident."

Solaufein will draw in the devourers, and several teleportation animations will play, and then will reveal at least three Mind Flayer, and three Umber Hulk creatures, as well as Phaere scattered in the general vicinity of Solaufein. The party should engage the enemies as soon as practical and try to destroy these hostiles swiftly. Note that Phaere can actually be killed in this encounter, so watch the accidental friendly fire, and don't let the opponents gang up on Phaere. If she dies, the party fails the main quest.

  • Failure will be obvious if you see the following text in the combat log: "Fools! Phaere has died, and all our lives are now forfeit as well."
Note: The Mind Flayer creatures used in this encounter appear to be purposefully weakened so that the party can prevail quickly. The creature files UDILL01.cre have less HP than a standard version, no elemental resistances, zero magic resistance, and only 2 attacks per round with their brain drain attack. With the Sword Coast Stratagems mod, the illithids in this encounter are 12 HD creatures with 90% magic resistance, but retain the same low HP and reduced APR.
UD Phaere's Rescue 4

If Phaere is successfully rescued, the party receives 20,000 XP (shared) and she will say a few lines of dialogue, including:

"It is about time that my captors were finally defeated. Hmph. I was beginning to think that they would reach their illithid city after all. Who is that? Solaufein? So... matron mother sent you, did she? How that must gall you, risking your life to save mine."

Phaere and Solaufein will have an exchange of obvious unfriendly views about this mission, and eventually she will depart for Ust Natha and say:

"I shall head back to the city on my own and inform the matron mother of your... successful service, Solaufein. You have proven useful. You should be grateful."

After she leaves for Ust Natha, Solaufein addresses the party and remarks:

"Blasted, arrogant wench! May the Spider Queen bite at her black heart! I shall follow her, to ensure her overconfidence does not endanger us all. Return to the city on your own, Veldrin. I shall meet you at the city's entrance."

Introduction to Phaere[]

Return to Ust Natha, where you'll find Imrae and Solaufein in the bazaar, in the same place they were standing before you went off to rescue Phaere. Talk to Solaufein. Phaere demands your presence in the tavern in a day's time, and she also demands that Solaufein and your party rest and relax in the tavern as a reward. Imrae spells this out with the following words:

"Yes. The daughter of the matron mother is safely returned. You have done an excellent service. I am told the matron mother is pleased. Phaere has also sent a command to you which must not be ignored. You are to meet her in the tavern here in the city. She wishes to speak with you, although I cannot wonder why. She asks for you too, Solaufein. You are all to rest and relax in the tavern as a... reward... for your service."

Solaufein will make it known that he does not wish to go to the tavern, and Imrae snaps back:

"Do you wish to earn punishment a second time, male? You shall do as she says. She shall see all of you at the tavern within a day's time, no more. That is all."
Note:The party has 24-hours of free time now and can do as it likes until the meeting in the tavern. It is likely that the trigger for the Retrieve Qilue's Brain quest will launch now, so the Duergar Slave serving the Aboleth will approach the party on the platform, if any are close enough. The party could resolve this side quest now if they wish.

Assuming the party did not exceed the 24-hour time limit, report to Phaere inside the Ust Natha Tavern. During this meeting, Phaere and Solaufein are verbally indicating their acrimonious relationship, sparring back and forth with unveiled insults and disdain for each other. Some dialogue options are present for the party, including if the player's Veldrin wishes to be a bit "flirty" with Phaere (which could lead to a negative reaction from a party member that is romancing Gorion's Ward). This meeting kind of sets the tone for how Phaere and Solaufein react to each other and gives some insight into Phaere's ambitions and her place in House Despana.

The party may also learn that Phaere believes that House Despana has big plans and will soon be making a move to consolidate power in Ust Natha – and your party can be a player in this upcoming plan. How intriguing?

As the conversation and reply options are cycled through, she will get to the part where she says:

"Seeing as you are so capable, Veldrin, you and Solaufein have been given another task to complete for the greater glory of Lolth. You will meet me on the city platform, away from curious ears. But not right away... rest and amuse yourselves for a time. I shall be here awhile. After I leave, take no longer than a few days before you meet with me on the platform. This is as the matron mother commands, and so shall it be."

Destroy the smuggling eye tyrant []

UN Smuggling Beholder Task

Back at the city entrance platform find Phare and Solaufein – initiate dialogue with Phaere to receive new orders. She will say:

"Ah, you have finally come. Good. Your timing is excellent, as I had just arrived here recently myself. I trust you are ready to leave presently."
Solaufein and Phaere will bicker back and forth, then she continues:
"Silence! You will obey, male! An eye tyrant... a beholder... is in the city, smuggling adamantite. The matrons have decided we are to kill it. I did. I am to join you in this duty. The eye tyrant has come on his Spelljammer ship, near here. Solaufein and I will go and scout it out, alone. Veldrin... I trust you can find your own way to the ship. It is off one of the platforms in the southeast of Ust Natha. Do not take too long to catch up."

Rendezvous with Phaere and Solaufein at the SE platform. When you arrive Phaere will say:

"Veldrin! Finally! We have been watching the crew leave the ship for their rest, and I suspect the eye tyrant is soon to follow! We must be ready!"

After a few more lines of repartee. the eye tyrant beholder will materialize not very far from the staircase descending to the lower platform. Hostilities begin soon after. The party will be the main way to defeat this creature, as Phaere and Solaufein really will attempt to engage the creature in melee by script. But mainly it's up to Veldrin and company to take down the Beholder, which is just an ordinary type with the regular assigned beholder attack script. The creature can target either Phaere or Solaufein with eye beams.

UN Eye Tyrant Dead Journal

When defeated, the party receives 20,000 shared XP, and Phaere says:

"Indeed. Well done. Do not disturb the carcass, however. There will be several acolytes coming to deal with it."

Afterwards, Solaufein makes more comments and questions Phaere, who retorts:

"Ask me no questions, Solaufein. We shall return to report to the matron mothers. Veldrin... I will see you again in the tavern within three days. Do as you are commanded, male, and live. Veldrin, journey about the city at your will... but remember our meeting. Do not be late!"

The party now has 72 hours of time to do what they will before having to meet Phaere again in the Tavern. Perhaps some exploration in the Underdark's connected tunnels is in order?

Slaughter the deep gnome's patrol[]

Return to the Tavern and find Phaere and Solaufein in the usual place. Address Phaere to initiate the meeting. She and solaufein will have their usual back and and forth banter of ill-will towards each other. You'll learn from Phaere about the upcoming task for the party, a paraphrased gist of this follows:

"It is good that you have come, Veldrin. Up until now I have only had the company of Solaufein, and his pathetic melancholy has nearly drained my patience. So I shall be brief and send you on your way. You would like that, Solaufein, yes? Very well. The matron mothers have decided the deep gnomes, the svirfneblin, have not shown enough fear of the drow of late. So it is time to teach them a lesson. Mother Ardulace has volunteered you for this particular service. Approach the svirfneblin village in the great caverns and await a patrol. Slaughter them... and bring back proof of the deed. Return here in a few days."

If either Keldorn, Jan Jansen, Mazzy, or Aerie is a companion in the party, they have interjections and reservations about this task, raising their concerns out loud to Phaere. This leads to a comment or two from her, but changes nothing.

UN Kill the Deep Gnomes Task 1

When ready to do so, the party is to travel to find Solaufein in a section of the Underdark (west of the Drow soul prison device) near coordinates (x=900, y=2200). Speak with him, and the party can decide what they wish to do about this particular mission. If you don't mind the killing of the svirfneblin patrol to obtain the patrol leaders helmet, then this can be done.

If on the other hand, the party doesn't want to act in an evil way and slaughter the gnomes - then guide the dialogue in such a way to suggest that Solaufein can leave this mission, and the party can take care of it on their own. As is obvious by his dialogue, he finds this task as pointless and beneath him. Solaufein will take Veldrin up on the suggestion and will return to Ust Natha, with a warning to not fail or all will be punished. Now the party can try and get the patrol leaders helmet in their own way.

Move further to the east and go towards the mining encampment, and eventually the gnome patrol is observed. If Solaufein is still with the party, the gnomes will be hostile, and the slaughter can begin. Loot the patrol leader's helmet. Without Solaufein, and looking to not slaughter the gnomes, speak with the neutral patrol leader, have some dialogue exchange, and just ask for his helmet to avoid bloodshed. The patrol leader will react to dialogue and either reluctantly agree or readily do so, and share some parting remarks, and the patrol will make for their encampment. Veldrin will now have the "proof of the deed" in the inventory.

Return to the tavern and provide the patrol leader's helmet to Phaere. An experience point reward of 28,000 to each party member is provided.

Although the task is complete, Phaere is in a irritated and testy mood, and she will demand that Veldrin meet with her in the Female Fighters' Society in one hour.

Meet Phaere in the Female Fighters' Society []

Travel to the Female Fighter's Society and pass through the doorway to within. You aren't sure what Phaere has in mind for this meeting, or why she is in an angry mood.

Phaere will explains the nature of the meeting. If anyone but Veldrin speaks to Phaere first, they will be rudely and curtly shut down. Her words are for Veldrin alone. Generally, she'll say:

"You needn't look so nervous, fool. If I desired you for intimate matters, you'd be naked and sweating already. No, I need you for something else. You are aware of my relationship with Solaufein, yes? You do not need to stare at me blankly. Our animosity is open and obvious. His insolence is beyond all endurance. I cannot tolerate it further without risking my position in Lolth's hierarchy. But I also cannot take action that would be traced back to myself or my House without risking war. So you shall take action for me. You will kill Solaufein."
UN Kill Solaufein 1

Veldrin may make remarks and share opinions about a few choices here. The player can make known that they don't wish to do this deed, or even that they refuse. Phaere gives more assertations that it makes sense, and Veldrin will gain great favor if the deed is accomplished.

Threats will also be made if the party refuses. If, in the end, the party says no to the task, then hostilities will initiate, and the drow city will turn on all. This means the player has failed his mission to retrieve Adalon's eggs. Fair warning was given about this, and your decision is made, and can't be undone.

If Veldrin agrees to the task, reluctantly or not, Phaere will provide some more remarks, paraphrased as follows:

"Solaufein has been given time off from his regular duties... you will find him in his quarters in the Male Fighters' Society, sulking as is his wont. He will not be expecting you... but nor will he suspect your true intentions, I imagine. He will greet you, and then you will kill him. Once you are done, take his... hmmm... take his piwafwi cloak and bring it back to me here. It shall make an excellent trophy."

In conclusion, Phaere finishes with the final command:

"Go, then. You have three days to hunt down the fool and return with his cloak. Do not fail me, Veldrin."

Confront Solaufein and retrieve his cloak[]

The party is allowed a fairly generous time limit to perform the task of retrieving Solufein's Drow Piwafwi Cloak. There is no need to wait, and the party could go immediately and find Solaufein and resolve this or could potentially perform other adventuring.

When the party decides to confront Solaufein, go to and enter the Male Fighters' Society, and he is observed on the first platform. He'll say:

"Veldrin?! What are you doing here? The matron mothers have not given me another task so soon, have they? I was given leave to rest!"

If the party wishes, they can just attack Solaufein, who'll be outmatched and unprepared for battle. Although it isn't known to the party at this time - this can limit the options available to a large extent, and possibly even sabotage the chance to Retrieve Adalon's Eggs (which you agreed to do). While you may be playing an "evil" party, or perhaps you just want to get rid of Solaufein to win Phaere's favor - this can't be undone, and the consequences are not ideal. Instead, there may be strategic advantages to speak with Solaufein first.

Engage Solaufein in dialogue, and don't jump to conclusions or act rashly before hearing him out and exploring the nonviolent paths first. There is a way that you may spare Solaufein's life, and get the Piwafwi Cloak without having to end his life. Later on, who knows what kind of opportunity may present itself with Solaufein? It could be a major breakthrough for the party. If playing an evil party, that doesn't mean that they must be ignorant and not take advantage of a situation. Play smart, and perhaps get a better future outcome.

UN Kill Solaufein 3

In the end, the party will either kill Solaufein (6,000 XP) and obtain the cloak or allow the drow to escape and he'll give you the cloak. He may say (paraphrased):

"So, then. If you are not going to kill me, what do you propose that we do? You can have my cloak... I have little need of it. And I... I do not know. I cannot be seen in the city without endangering your lives as well as my own. And I do not wish war between my House and the Despana. I... I have never wished to harm those who were not foul and evil, true enemies of the drow. I... I do not know why I tell you this... perhaps it is the mercy you show me, but I feel we drow have lost the right path. We need to be led back to it. I will seek those who feel as I do, perhaps. I shall remain in the shadows and not betray your secret, Veldrin.

Solaufein may even admit to not worshipping Lolth, but instead secretly devoted to Eilistraee, Lady Silverhair. Solaufein will now leave Veldrin the cloak and flee the building.

Perhaps sometime in the future, you'll meet again.

With the cloak in hand, return to Phaere in Female Fighter's Society so she can see that you have "completed" the bloody deed she ordered.

Return the cloak to Phaere[]

Enter the Female Fighter's Sicienty and hand Solaufein's Piwawfi Cloak to Phaere. She is pleased and makes some comments about the mission. The deed awards each party member 30,000 XP.

Soon after, she turns to Veldrin, and if the PC is a male will order you to her private chambers. She'll say:

"I find you useful, Veldrin. You are a strong and powerful male... worthy of my bed. You shall remain here for a time and please me... Come."

When this occurs, you have to make some choices - The player can just agree to her order, and get it on with the Handmaiden of Lolth (there is no cut-scene for this unfortunately). However, if the PC is currently in a romance/relationship (such as Jaheria or Viconia) this could be awkward, and a source of conflict within the romance dynamic. There are several methods to try via dialogue and refuse, without actually saying "No" directly:

- The PC could say they "belong to another": When she demands to know who, say "It... it's someone you don't know..." and she'll assume you mean a Handmaiden from Ched Nasad has 'collared' you, which gives her pause and will deter her lust.

- The PC can also say that you "can't", which after a few moments causes Phaere to believe that you have a physical 'disability' precluding you from any rumpy bumpy activity.

There is also some Character Ability Scores checks that can be relied on to dissuade her overtures:
- With a 13 Charisma and a 17 Intelligence, the PC can convince her that an oath of celibacy is promised to Lloth.
- If the PC has a Charisma and an Intelligence of 15, you can affirm to her that you were cursed, and can't perform.
- With a a 17 Charisma or higher, claim to be a eunuch (probably another Lloth loyalty ritual).

If the PC has actually gone along with joining Phaere in the sack, then Jaheira or Viconia will comment and react with the PC when the private session is over. Jaheira is sarcastic but able to put it aside as an action needed to not break the party's disguise.

Viconia is verbally aggressive towards Phaere. She is also notices that the PC had trouble saying no to that female drow allure.

After all this sexual release or sexual frustration, whatever the case may be, Phaere says:

"It is time to introduce you to the matron mother of House Despana, Veldrin. Mother Ardulace is anxious to see the <PRO_MALEFEMALE> who has done so much for Ust Natha. You will go to the temple and meet me and Mother Ardulace there. Do not delay, Veldrin... Mother Ardulace wishes to speak with you immediately."

Meet the Matron Mother[]

The party must travel to the Temple of Lolth where Matron Mother Ardulace Despana and Phaere are waiting for your arrival.

Note:From this point, "Inside the Drow City" essentially ends - For organizational purposes the next quest line is covered in the page for The Drow Summoning Ritual.


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