Baldur's Gate Wiki

The Imp is a tiny Devil that does not officially belong to the Baatezu race but can be found with them. Imps are found throughout the game series, in various places, and many times are used as plot devices.

The creature described in the InfoBox is a variety that can be found in the Watcher's Keep Teleport Maze, and is one that could be faced as an enemy.

Physical Description[]

An imp normally appears as a tiny, humanoid with a pair of wings and a long tail ending in a poisonous stinger, containing a deadly poison.


Although vicious and manipulative, imps make up the least powerful ranks of the infernal legions. Thus they serve as tempters and lackeys to mortals whom devils want groomed to the side of evil. Imps delight in the opportunity to leave the Nine Hells and tempt a mortal to evil. Many lawful evil spellcasters can be found with an imp in their company, serving as a "familiar."


If an Imp is encountered in battle (mostly this occurs in the Throne of Bhaal or Watcher's Keep), the little fiends are primarily fast-moving minor spell casters.

They'll turn improved invisible, and then attempt a Breach spell to tear down combat protections, mostly for their devil allies.

After that, random spell attacks will be attempted.

The Imp has a racial enemy for the Human race and receives a +4 THAC0 and damage bonus.

Imps have the typical immunities that other devils have and can See the invisible.

Imps are rather ineffective in melee combat against armored foes, and their attacks are classified as non-magical and unenchanted weapons. In the Dungeons and Dragons lore, imps have a poisoned barbed tail, but this isn't implemented in the game design for these creatures (except for Cespenar).

As a Familiar[]

Lawful evil mages summon imps as their familiars.

Baldur's Gate Shadows of Amn Throne of Bhaal
Hit Points 9 18 48
4 2 -2
Magic Resistance 15% 25% 35%
Combat Abilities 1 attack per round at 17 THAC0
for 1d6 damage
1 attack per round at 15 THAC0
for 1d6 damage
Special Abilities Has 100% resistance to fire, cold, and electricity. Can cast Polymorph Self once per day. Regenerates 1 HP/round.

Notable Imps[]

Mod gallery[]

Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere

External links[]
