Baldur's Gate Wiki

Hold Animal is a 3rd level priest spell usable by druids, shamans, and rangers. It holds animals rigidly immobile and in place for the duration of the spell.


This spell holds animals rigidly immobile and in place. Only normal- and giant-sized animals are affected by this spell; monsters such as wyverns, ankhegs, and carrion crawlers do not count as animals. The effect is centered on the victim selected by the caster; every enemy within 4 ft. of the target is also affected. Those who succeed on their Saving Throws are totally unaffected by the spell. Held creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not prevent the worsening of the subjects' condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.


  • Attack rolls on held enemies always hit, unless a critical miss is rolled.
  • While the spell only effects hostile animals, it may be centered on any creature, regardless of type or allegiance.


Mod content[]

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Spell Revisions mod has removed the divine "Hold Animal" spell from the game and replaced it with the new spell described below:

Hold Person or Animal
Level: 3
School: Enchantment
Sphere: Animal
Range: Long
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Target, and enemies within 5’
Saving Throw: Spell negates

This spell holds persons and animals rigidly immobile and in place. The term person includes any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, and others. Only normal and giant-sized animals are affected by this spell. Monsters such as wyverns, ankhegs, and carrion crawlers do not count as animals. The effect is centered on the victim selected by the caster. Every hostile person or animal within 5 feet of the target is also affected. Those who succeed on a save vs. spell at -2 are totally unaffected.

Held creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them even though they are helpless to change them. Time passes at a normal rate for the targets and hence being held does not stop any worsening of their condition due to wounds, disease, or poison.

Note: Spell available to Druid/Ranger/Shaman.

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