Baldur's Gate Wiki

Greater Deathblow is a High-level class ability available to fighters, paladins, rangers, and monks.

Prerequisite: Deathblow


Greater Deathblow
Like Deathblow, this ability allows the warrior to vanquish lesser foes with a single blow. For the next 2 rounds, any creature of 12th level or lower is instantly killed when struck by the warrior.
Requires: Deathblow


Below is a brief but by no means exhaustive list of vulnerable enemies, and some tactical use notes:

Gauth, the small green beholders, regular Beholder and some Elder Orbs are also susceptible to Deathblow, as they are level 9. Later game spawns of Elder Orbs seem to be level 16.

Standard Vampire creatures are level 11, given their speed and the debilitating nature of level drain an instant kill is desirable.

Standard Mind Flayer, Ulitharid and their Umber Hulk servants are susceptible to both Deathblow and Greater Deathblow, being able to kill them swiftly at range with can be a great solution, given how dangerous these enemies can be in groups.

A collection of Trolls, including standard Troll, Spirit Troll, Spectral Troll and most others have a the maximum Hit Dice level 11. Deathblow and Greater Deathblow will slay them outright. It also ignores their regeneration mechanic. Various trolls can be found late in the game in Watcher's Keep as well as a few Fire Trolls in the Marching Mountains.

Many but not all of the Githyanki found in the game are level 11. As those creatures are able to both melee effectively and use innate psionic spell effects - taking them out in 1 blow can prove useful.

The "Mist" style enemies that appear similar to a Nishruu are mostly vulnerable to the Deathblow HLAs. Such as Mist Horror, Wandering Horror, Vampiric Mist, Poison Mist and Crimson Death creatures.

Magic Golem, Sand Golem and Clay Golem creatures are all susceptible to Deathblow and Greater Deathblow.

Devil Shade and Shadow Fiend creatures will be slain by this High level ability.

Combining a level drain effect on a target to reduce its hit dice below the threshold for the death blow to work is a viable tactic as well.

Note: A mention here that that 0 damage hits will still apply the instant kill effect through spells such as stone or iron skin. The killing effect IS blocked by spells such as Protection from Magical weapons, Mantle and the like or if you are attacking a creature that is immune to the weapon enchantment level you are using. For example, some vampires require +2 weapons or greater, using a +1 weapon with Deathblow will not work. Additionally, something available to Druids (and other AoE projectiles like Arrow of Detonation) - the instant death effect will apply to any creature struck within the blast radius generated by Fire Seed projectile, allowing a warrior with these seeds to cut through swaths of low-level enemies rather quickly. Results may vary with mods installed.