Baldur's Gate Wiki

Garclax is a chaotic neutral Baldur's Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1Baldur's Gate (1998)
This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
/ chaotic evil Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoDBaldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
Gnoll Chieftain in Baldur's Gate. He is the leader of a small band of Gnolls who are detained within a cave due to poor behavior in the Bandit Camp.

Upon entering the cave, Gorion's Ward and party are attacked by the group after a brief bit of dialogue from Garclax. This surprisingly does not turn the rest of the camp hostile.

We in here because of trouble we cause in camp! Big brawl two nights back You should know that... unless you not Blacktalon. You not smell right. You die!