Flaming Fist Mercenaries are found in many areas of the Sword Coast, acting on behalf of their employers, the Dukes of the city of Baldur's Gate. They are members of the Flaming Fist, an organization that serves as law enforcement for the Sword Coast. They are primarily encountered keeping watch although they are also found on the lookout for wanted criminals, preventing vagrants from sleeping on the streets, being summoned by those under duress, and unexpectedly appearing during the commission of crimes. One specific type of Flaming Fist Mercenary is able to cast some basic spells.
“ | I serve the Flaming Fist! | ” |
“ | Every crime must be punished! | ” |
“ | I AM the law! | ” |
During the early exploration of the Sword Coast, prior to being able to enter the city of Baldur's Gate, there are several areas where Flaming Fist Mercenaries are encountered. One will appear in the town of Beregost if any attempt is made to sleep within the town limits. Two more are encountered in the Jovial Juggler as part of Officer Vai's contingent during Chapter Three.
South of Beregost[]
In the South Beregost Road area, about 3/4 of the way down the road, a troupe of three Flaming Fist Mercenaries will mistake Gorion's Ward and party for a bandit group. When the leader challenges the party, the correct answer is 1. More dialog will ensue. Common sense will set you free. Otherwise, as he says, "there will be trouble." Killing the three of them after they attack doesn't result in any reputation penalty and is a good way to obtain a set of plate mail early.
"You there! You're under arrest for banditry and highway robbery! We know you're part of that bandit group who's been terrorizing the Coast Way. Give yourselves up, or there will be trouble."
- 1-You've got the wrong guys. We're not part of any bandit gang.
- 2-If you want a fight, we'll give you a fight.
- 3-We give up. You can take us prisoner. We'll even throw down our weapons.
Gibberling Mountains[]
A Flaming Fist Mercenary (FLAM4.cre) on the west side of the Gibberling Mountains area approaches as soon as a member of the party comes within sight. He is looking for Samuel, a deserter from the Flaming Fist. This soldier is the only one who carries 100 .
"Hold! I am a member of the Flaming Fist, and require that you identify yourselves.
- 1-We're mercenaries in the service of Amn."
- 2-We don't have to answer your stinking questions!
- 3-We're adventurers.
- 4-We're bandits.
- 5-We're a rampaging horde of tarrasques. Krie! Krie!
- 1 ends the conversation.
- 2 & 4 cause him to attack. Not good.
- 3 gets you the Samuel the Deserter quest.
- 5 earns you a lecture and a 2nd chance to reply politely.
Shortly after you meet Viconia in the northwestern corner of the Peldvale area, a Flaming Fist Mercenary (FLAM2.cre) will appear. If Gorion's Ward chooses to defend Viconia, this is another one of the rare opportunities to kill a Flaming Fist soldier without penalty. This soldier is a level 4 Fighter / Cleric and is capable of casting some basic priest spells so beware. The result is 250 XP for the kill and his gear. For what it's worth, it appears that Viconia is probably telling the truth; that the Flaming Fist wants her dead simply because she is drow.
Mercenary: "Step aside travelers, I am a member of the Flaming Fist. The woman you are harboring is wanted for murder of the foulest sort. She is a dark elf; it should be obvious that she is evil."
Viconia: "They lie. I've done nothing wrong."
- 1-If you want her, have her. We won't get in your way.
- 2-You'll have to get through us if you want her.
- 3-What do you intend to do once you have her?
- "Kill her, of course."
Wyrm's Crossing[]
Attempting to cross the bridge to Baldur's Gate in the Wyrm's Crossing area prior to Chapter Five, the party will encounter a Flaming Fist Mercenary near the draw bridge. He'll inform the party that entrance to the city is forbidden at this time due to recent bandit activity.
“ | Sorry, traveler, but the entrance to Baldur's Gate is closed. With all of the bandit activity about, we've been forced to keep the gate closed. Perhaps if you return later, things may have changed and we may be able to reopen the city. | ” |
Once the bridge is opened in Chapter Five, a different Mercenary will approach the party on sight and inform them of an entrance tax to enter the city and ask them for their point of origin.
"The entrance tax is 6 gold pieces for each party of travelers. Please announce your point of origin."
- 1-Beregost
- 2-Amn
- 3-Nashkel
- 4- The mystical land of frolicking naked nymphs, where your every desire is granted by bald blubbering bugbears. Hee! Hee!
- 5-Candlekeep
The Mercenary will collect the tax and reply to any of these responses by informing them that his commander wishes to speak with them.
Baldur's Gate[]
Within the city of Baldur's Gate, there are several instances where Flaming Fist Mercenaries will be encountered.
Sleeping on the Streets:[]
One particular Flaming Fist Mercenary likes to wake up a tired party that tried to find some sleep on a city's streets.
“ | The heavy footsteps of a Flaming Fist guard awakens you from your slumber. | ” |
“ | Up and on your feet you lazy gutternappers! | ” |
Flaming Fist HQ:[]
An obvious place to encounter Flaming Fist Mercenaries is the Flaming Fist Headquarters located in the southwest district of the city. One Mercenary is stationed on the ground floor near the stairs to the second floor. If spoken to before performing a few side quests for Commander Scar, he'll inform the party that Duke Eltan is not available and to go find Scar.
“ | Hey there, pal. If ye're looking for Duke Eltan, ye're outta luck. The duke is a busy man, so I suggest ye talk to Scar. | ” |
Once the Scar side quests are completed he informs the party that Duke Eltan is upstairs.
“ | Hey there fella. If yer here to see Duke Eltan, just go up the stairs beside me. He should be waiting in his office. | ” |
A second Flaming Fist Mercenary is found in the basement. Attempted dialogue is comprised of a couple of innocuous responses. However, opening the locked chest in his presence will alert three Flaming Fist Enforcers and he will join the fight if hostilities breakout.
Four Mercenaries (flame1-4.cre) are present during the interrogation cut-scene with Angelo.
Ducal Palace:[]
Once entrance to the Ducal Palace has been secured during Chapter Seven, Flaming Fist Mercenaries are found in several different locations within the palace.
- Ground Floor — Six Mercenaries are present during the inauguration ceremony for Sarevok. One of them near the entrance will ask Gorion's Ward for the invitation.
- Third Floor — Two Mercenaries are encountered keeping watch. Opening any locked container in their presence will alert three Flaming Fist Enforcers and they will join the fight if hostilities breakout.
- Basement — Three more Mercenaries are located down here. The solo Mercenary who's in his office will become hostile after dialogue ends no matter what. The other two, located in the room stacked with wooden kegs, will remain neutral after dialogue ends.
Hall of Wonders:[]
Three Flaming Fist Mercenaries are roaming the Hall of Wonders keeping watch. If certain dialogue is followed three more will be summoned by Brathlen. If Gorion's Ward threatens Alora, she will summon two Mercenaries (FLAM.cre) that are enemies from the get go.
“ | Ahh! I can't fight ya, but I'll call the guard I will! Rather be in jail than dead from you! Help! Nasty mean and evil! | ” |
— Alora |
Northeast Baldur's Gate:[]
One Flaming Fist Mercenary (WATCHM.cre) will appear during the first test of the Narlen's Heist side quest. Besides the undroppable cloak, this Mercenary is also equipped with an undroppable amulate.