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Flaming Fist Enforcers are members of the Flaming Fist, an organization that serves as law enforcement for the Sword Coast. They are one of the more common types of Flaming Fist personnel likely to be encountered during the game. There are many variants of Flaming Fist Enforcer and, like one of the Flaming Fist Mercenaries, one variant is able to cast the same basic spells.

It is possible to encounter an Enforcer in the town of Beregost (via dialogue with wife or reputation traps) or The Friendly Arm (reputation traps) beginning in Chapter One, although most encounters will not occur until Gorion's Ward has reached the city of Baldur's Gate in Chapter Five and returns to the city in Chapter Seven. These encounters in Chapter Five revolve around ambushing the party once again if they have a low reputation, while other encounters stem from attempts to arrest the party when caught stealing, trying to commit blackmail, trespassing, or during Chapter Seven, when Gorion's Ward is suspected of murder.



After Gorion's Ward and party have returned to Baldur's Gate in Chapter Seven, they will be hunted down by two of these Flaming Fist Enforcers in every district of the city, "by order of Angelo Dosan".

If the Ward decides not to surrender, the hunt continues: the two will try to kill the party – and remain in the area until their prey has been slain. This happens in every district the party enters hereafter, until they let themselves be captured and taken to Angelo by the Enforcers.

Halt and hold! You stand accused of murder most foul! You will lay down your arms and come with us, or by order of Angelo Dosan you will be killed where you stand! Such is his order and I cannot alter it! It is your choice!


flamal.cre, ffhunt1.cre, ffhunt2.cre, ffhunt3.cre[]

These four Flaming Fist Enforcers will be summoned by Aldeth Sashenstar if Gorion's Ward speaks with him in the Merchants' League Estate during Chapter Seven and agrees to "discuss things" with him.

Stop where you are! You're wanted for the murders of three citizens of this city. Surrender and you'll be given a fair trial.


These particular Flaming Fist Enforcers differ in that they are hostile from the beginning and will not talk much except for the usual combat shouts. They will appear in two separate situations:

  • Gorion's Ward attempts to blackmail Elkart inside the Blade and Stars. After eight blackmail cycles are completed, if Elkart is spoken to again, he will call the guards and six of these Enforcers will appear and attack.
    Note: In Baldur's Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1Baldur's Gate (1998)
    This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
    the party must contain both Eldoth and Skie for the blackmail to take place. In Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoDBaldur's Gate:
    Enhanced Edition
    This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
    it's only required to have rescued Skie; neither she nor Eldoth need to be in the party when speaking with Elkart.
  • If the two members of the Council of Four, Liia Jannath and Duke Belt, both die during Sarevok's inauguration ceremony, Angelo and six of these Enforcers will appear to kill the "assassins in our midst" and accused murderers of "the leaders of the Iron Throne".
I AM the law!

FLAMEN.cre, FLAMEN2.cre[]

This particular Flaming Fist Enforcer (FLAMEN.cre) will appear whenever the party is observed taking items from containers in – at most times – inhabited buildings or fails an attempt to steal from certain stores. Depending upon the situation, one or two of the FLAMEN2.cre will accompany the FLAMEN.cre.

If things go bad during dialogue, he will also be summoned by Felonius Gist (FLAMEN (×2)) and Glanmarie (FLAMEN & FLAMEN2 (×4)).

You there! Stop where you are thieves! You are under arrest for robbery. I represent the Flaming Fist and the law of the Grand Dukes.


(If busted stealing, it's always one FLAMEN and two of the FLAMEN2 who will appear)


This fellow is the only Flaming Fist Enforcer that isn't summoned. He is encountered in Northwest Baldur's Gate guarding the Black Dragon Gate.

Oh my, hello there. I haven't seen a face in… forever! I suppose it makes sense given that this gate is no longer to be used for passage—I've been given strict orders to keep it that way. It's probably best you be on your way.


This particular Flaming Fist Enforcer is on active service in the Beregost division of the Flaming Fist and lives together with his wife in town. He doesn't show much patience towards intruders of their home.

Draw steel.


The "punisher" of the Flaming Fist Enforcers, this Enforcer (FLAMPUN.cre) is capable of casting spells and he is the leader of a group that includes two FLAMPUN2.cre, a Flaming Fist Scout and a Flaming Fist Battle Wizard, all of whom will hunt down a party that has gained the reputation of being "despised". If the party's rep value has reached two, there's a sixty percent chance that at certain locations where "reputation traps" are present they will appear. As leader, he will greet the infamous Gorion's Ward with the cited words below and then this group of Flaming Fist soldiers will attack.

HALT! You will go NO FURTHER! Word of your crimes has preceded you, and you shall be punished accordingly! If even half of what I have heard is true, you are deserving of nothing but the swiftest death!

Spell Book:[]


((#) specifies the number of different reputation trap locations within that area where the group may spawn)

Cut content:[]

These Flaming Fist Enforcers, (FLAMPUN) as the leader of and (FLAMPUN2) as part of, a squad of five or six, can be found in several area files, all of which are cut from or not implemented into the game. Judging by their expanse and area codes, these might have been planned as random encounter areas at some point during development.

  • AR5610.are
  • AR5810.are
  • AR5910.are
  • AR6010.are
  • AR6110.are


  • Baldur's Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1Baldur's Gate (1998)
    This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
    This enforcer has been assigned a SW1HO4.itm in the inventory, but such item does not exist - the developers probably made a typo (using the letter O instead of the number 0) and thus failed to assign the SW1H04.itm.