Baldur's Gate Wiki

Ar1400worldmap Area North of the Friendly Arm is one of the areas from the World Map.

The Area North of the Friendly Arm, also known as the Fishing Village, Lower Chionthar m, or Farm north of the Friendly Arm, is the first of a few maps with the River Chionthar running through them.


Passing through on the way to Baldur's Gate.

Side quests[]


  • Sonner - He is the main spokesman of the local fishermen, but clicking on Jebadoh or Telman also begins the dialog which initiates the side quest. He complains of unnatural storms arising as he and his fellow fishermen set out in their boats, and blames the witch Tenya (a Priestess of the Bitch Queen Umberlee) living to the north in the Wyrm's Crossing area. She will become hostile, so unequip one weapon slot each and use your fists to render her unconscious, or else save and then reload if she is killed. Return Tenya's Bowl of Water Elemental Control to complete the quest.
  • Farmer Brun - His son is missing. Go to the giant pit in the ground to the west, and kill the Ankhegs there until their treasure hoard is found. After "rescuing" Brun's son Nathan, you have the option to offer Brun some gold for an increase in reputation.
  • Gerde - Wanders around the northern part of the road. She will instruct the party on the subject of ankhegs, their killing, and the protection of their population. Talk to her again and she will give 75 gp; the number of ankhegs she wishes killed is almost certainly arbitrary; the party having killed three before meeting her, and two after, she merely says that she "trust's" that the party stuck to the limit. Ten may be the number of ankhegs on the surface map, or more may need to respawn in order to kill that many. It is certainly too many to carry in one trip.
    • The party can sell all the ankheg heads that they can carry to Fenten in the limited-access eastern section of West Baldur's Gate (sell one by one for 250gp, with the rest on the ground), and Fenten will refer the party to Gerde, whether or not they have already met her. The smith in Beregost, Taerom Fuiruim, will offer 500 gold for each head and the opportunity to craft Ankheg Plate Mail within a ten day period.
    • You can use the fisherman's homes or Brun's home to store ankheg shells and come back later to pick them up to sell to Taerom.
  • If the party's reputation is 3 or lower: A ranger named Nestor will appear just west of the small pond on the east side of the road (southeast of Gerde's position). Wave your hand in front of his face while saying "these aren't the droids you're looking for" and he will leave. Well, almost. Admit to being his target and he summons a cave bear and attacks.


  • Ajantis Ilvastarr is a paladin and a potential companion who is found on the road in the southwestern part of the area.


Bandits are likely to spawn at night.


ā€  "Nowhere" does not, of course, mean that you cannot travel anywhere when you exit this area from either side. It means that no matter how you got here you cannot exit to anywhere new from those directions. No new location will be revealed. You can still travel to any destination that is already known.

Mod content[]

The name of this area is Lower Chionthar when playing with the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Trilogy mod (EET) installed.

External links[]
