Dust Mephits are small, winged and flying minor elemental creatures that are first encountered in Irenicus's Dungeon, and other areas afterwards. They use an innate ability called Glass Dust in combat that greatly reduces the target's visual acuity and concentration:
“ | This ability sprays a collection of shattered glass, forcing the target to make a Saving Throw vs. Breath Weapon or suffer a -4 penalty to Armor Class and a -2 penalty to THAC0 as the glass shards bury themselves into <PRO_HISHER> flesh. | ” |
Dust mephits have a minor and weak melee attack, but they also have some physical damage resistance, fire resistance and status effect immunities, as shown in the InfoBox. Mephits are able to regenerate until their Hit points are reduced to zero. In reality, they are marginal opponents, and only an issue for a party in swarming numbers. They are easily dispatched with standard physical attacks, and have such a ineffective THAC0 that a critical hit is probably the only way they will be able hit a party member, and even then their miniscule damage output is trivial.
A version of the Dust Mephit can be summoned as a familiar with the Find Familiar spell by a neutral evil protagonist.
In combat, a Dust Mephit will launch a Glass Dust projectile at an detected target, starting at the closest opponent in range within the first two rounds of an encounter. The ability has a small Area of Effect and could be applied to several creatures at the same time. The creature, if still undefeated, can attempt further launches on a delayed interval - although it is unlikely to survive long enough to perform any. The Glass dust can be negated with a Save vs. Breath, or blocked by magic resistance, or a Minor Globe of Invulnerability or similar AoE spell level protection.
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