Duskblade is an enchanted and magical Halberd which appears in Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.
“ | Halberd +2 Duskblade
Though once a simple halberd, this weapon spent many hundreds of years in a tomb next to the soul phylactery of a powerful lich. The creature was eventually erased from existence, purportedly by another of its kind, but such close proximity to that concentrated evil has imbued this blade with the very essence of night and the chill of darkness, energy that becomes deadly in combat. It is a foul weapon, and a warrior should use it with caution. |
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This two-handed weapon is an enchanted polearm. It has similar properties as a Halberd +2 and strikes for 1d10 +2 (piercing or slashing) damage, 7 weapon Speed Factor, -2 THAC0 bonus and a weight of 12 lbs.
Additionally, it also inflicts +2 points of Cold damage when hitting a target creature. The cold is of the elemental type and bypasses magic resistance and spell protections.
Duskblade is wielded in melee combat and eventually recovered as loot from Shadow Patrick during the battle between the Shade Lord at the Ruined Temple area during the side quest to stop the murders in Umar Hills.