Baldur's Gate Wiki
Disambiguation icon This page is about the priest version of the spell. For the wizard version, see Conjure Earth Elemental (wizard).

Conjure Earth Elemental will summons forth an earth elemental and compels it to do the priest's bidding.


Upon casting a Conjure Earth Elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the Elemental Plane of Earth, and an earth elemental is summoned in the vicinity of the caster. There is a 60% chance that a 12-Hit-Dice elemental appears, a 35% chance that a 16-Hit-Dice elemental appears, and a 5% chance that a 24-Hit-Dice elemental appears. All of the commands given to the elemental are done telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication, and it is not necessary to know the language of the summoned creature. Unlike Mages, priests do not have to engage in a battle of the minds to control their summoned elemental.

Game Play[]

The following creatures can be obtained with the Conjuring (determined randomly by a d100 roll performed when the spell is cast):

  • 0-60% - Summons ELEARPR.CRE

Earth Elemental (12 Hit Dice):
STR 17, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 7, WIS 13, CHA 8; AL Neutral
HP 96, AC 2, THAC0 8, Saving Throws 7/9/8/8/10
1 Attack Per Round, 4d8+1 Crushing Damage (Fist +4)

  • 61-95% - Summons ELEARPR2.CRE

Earth Elemental (16 Hit Dice):
STR 19, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 7, WIS 13, CHA 8; AL Neutral
HP 128, AC 2, THAC0 2, Saving Throws 4/6/5/4/7
1 Attack Per Round, 4d8+7 Crushing Damage (Fist +4)

  • 95-100% - Summons ELEARPR3.CRE

Earth Elemental (24 Hit Dice):
STR 20, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 7, WIS 13, CHA 8; AL Neutral
HP 192, AC 2, THAC0 -3, Saving Throws 3/5/4/4/6
1 Attack Per Round, 4d8+8 Crushing Damage (Fist +4)

  • All Earth Elementals can only be struck by weapons with an enchantment greater than +1. The 24 HD Priest Spell Earth Elemental has a Strength of 20 while the Wizard Spell version has a strength of 22 (bug?).

Mod Content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

Installation of the Spell Revisions Mod changes this spell from a 7th Level Priest Spell to 6th Level and alters the creatures summoned slightly.

Conjure Earth Elemental
Level: 6
School: Conjuration Range: Medium
Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None

Upon casting a Conjure Earth Elemental spell, the caster opens a special gate to the Elemental Plane of Earth, and an earth elemental is summoned to the vicinity of the spellcaster. Normally, an elemental with 12 hit dice will be conjured. At fifteenth level and above, however, the caster will be able to summon an elemental with 16 hit dice. The elemental will do the bidding of the caster until it is slain or the duration of the spell runs out. All of the commands given to the elemental are done so telepathically, so there is no time lost due to miscommunication, and it is not necessary to know the language of the summoned creature.

Earth Elemental (12 Hit Dice):
STR 21, DEX 8, CON 19, INT 6, WIS 11, CHA 11; AL Neutral
HP 126, AC 3, THAC0 4, Saving Throws 7/9/8/8/10
2 Attacks Per Round, 2d8+12 Crushing Damage (Fist +3)

Greater Earth Elemental (16 Hit Dice):
STR 23, DEX 8, CON 21, INT 6, WIS 11, CHA 11; AL Neutral
HP 152, AC 2, THAC0 0, Saving Throws 4/6/5/4/7
2 Attacks Per Round, 2d10+14 Crushing Damage (Fist +3)

Special Qualities (12 & 16 Hit Dice):
Immune to normal weapons
Immune to hold, poison, polymorph, sleep, & stun effects
Slashing, Piercing, & Missile Resistance 40%

Note: Only usable by Druid/Ranger/Shaman classes.

External links[]
