Baldur's Gate Wiki

Cohrvale and his companion Bregg are found northeast of the right entrance to Copper Coronet in Athkatla Slums.

Foul mouthed Cohrvale will initiate a dialogue with Gorion's Ward and can be taunted into a fight for a quick 6000 + 4000 experience. You can also get in a fight if you don't taunt him. It's easy to get into a fight with Cohrvale.


Cohrvale: Out of my way, you there!

Bregg: Calm down, Cohrvale. Mr. F. don't like ye killin' people in the streets.

Cohrvale: Shut your mouth, dwarf! As for you, I said get your stinkin' hide out of my way!

Gorion's Ward: 3. Keep barking, dog. Just watch that your little keeper doesn't yank on your leash too hard.

Cohrvale: Those foul words will be your last! Ye'll die this day!

Bregg: Now ye've done it, blasted fool! Couldn't ye see he was armed?

Note: Cohrvale has no weapon proficiency in battle axe or axes assigned. He does have grandmastery in small swords weapon proficiency (but doesn't use one).

Mod content[]

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People involved[]

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The Sword Coast Stratagems Mod changes Cohrvale, and assigns a default SCS tactical AI script for better combat behavior. Additionally, 4 pips in battle axe weapon proficiency and 2 pips in sword and shield style are given to match up with a 7th level fighter's experience. SCS random treasure is also supplied.
