Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

The Candlekeep Library is the citadel in the center of Candlekeep in Baldur's Gate. It is comprised of six above ground floors and two levels of catacombs underneath the structure. Access to the interior is denied until Chapter Six. During the Prologue, Imoen and Gorion are found standing near the front entrance.

When Gorion's Ward returns to Candlekeep in chapter six, a few more pieces of the puzzle that comprises the Ward's heritage and possible future will be revealed. Familiar faces are encountered throughout the library's many floors. A stranger gives the Ward a trinket and the willies. A run-in with members of the Iron Throne and Knights of the Shield may not be what the Ward expected and the eventual outcome is definitely not in the plans.


These walls contain the world's knowledge.

— Priest of Oghma

The library within the citadel contains a vast amount of tomes and books. Below is a listing of all of the books found on the shelves:


The first three floors only contain bookshelves while the fourth through the sixth floors contain bookshelves (except the fifth) along with a few armories and chests, some of which may be locked. It is also possible to alert the Watchers should anyone observe thieving activities when opening a locked container.

Candlekeep Library Ground Floor Containers

Ground Floor Containers

Ground Floor:[]

Candlekeep Library Second Floor Containers

Second Floor Containers

Second Floor:[]

Candlekeep Library Third Floor Containers

Third Floor Containers

Third Floor:[]

Fourth Floor:[]

Candlekeep Library Fourth Floor Containers

Fourth Floor Containers

Fifth Floor:[]

Candlekeep Library Fifth Floor Containers

Fifth Floor Containers

Sixth Floor:[]

Candlekeep Library Sixth Floor Containers

Sixth Floor Containers

