Bregg and his companion Cohrvale are found northeast of the right entrance to Copper Coronet in Athkatla Slums.
Cohrvale will initiate the dialogue with Gorion's Ward.
Note: Bregg's THAC0 is seemingly incorrect for a level 10 Fighter, and no weapon proficiencies are assigned.
Mod content[]
- This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.
People involved[]
- Portraits from Portraits Portraits Everywhere
The Sword Coast Stratagems Mod changes Bregg and assigns a default SCS tactical AI script for better combat behavior. Additionally, 5 pips in short sword weapon proficiency and 2 pips in single-weapon style are given to match up with a 10th level fighter's experience. Bregg's base THAC0 is corrected from 17 to 11 as well. SCS random treasure is also supplied.