Baldur's Gate Wiki

I hate them Flamin' Fist pansies!

Bandits are common true neutral Baldur's Gate GTRBPSK Icon BG1Baldur's Gate (1998)
This icon indicates content from the original Baldur's Gate campaign.
/ neutral evil Baldur's Gate LOGOBG00001 Icon SoDBaldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign.
enemies that roam the Sword Coast, intent on disrupting the trade routes and making highway travel a dangerous affair. They usually travel in groups and are armed with long swords and shortbows although some randomly encountered (road) bandits (BANDITA.cre) will carry a longbow instead of the shortbow. They carry no gold but some bandits do drop average random treasure.

Not only are they highly sought after by Gorion's Ward for role-play purposes, they also drop a relatively valuable trophy; Bandit Scalps. These may be sold to various merchants for 25gp each, or turned in to Officer Vai at the Jovial Juggler in Beregost for 50gp each after starting Chapter Three. Bandit scalps stack up to 10, making each dedicated inventory slot worth up to 500gp.

So I kicked 'im in the head till he was dead. Har har.


See also[]

Bandit (Bandit Camp)

