Baldur's Gate Wiki
Baldur's Gate Wiki

Areana is a noblewoman located in a room on the third floor of the Three Old Kegs, in the northern part of Baldur's Gate. She wants Gorion's Ward and party to murder Cyrdemac so nobody will learn of their tryst in the Undercellar.

If you carry out the deed, when you return for your expected reward, Areana will only pay you 500gp regardless of what amount you may have negotiated with her previously. This leads to a decision as to whether or not you want to blackmail her for failing to give you the promised reward. If you proceed with the blackmail route, she will give you 500 gold every two days and you'll lose one point of reputation. You can do this a maximum of four times before she'll disappear permanently and a hired goon named Tor Lobo will be waiting for you.

Alternatively, she can be charmed after you have accepted the quest, which will result in quest completion and also receiving a bloodstone gem on top of the 500gp reward without having to kill Cyrdemac. This will cause Cyrdemac to disappear from the Elfsong Tavern and remove any chance of killing him and his ruffian friends (Total XP: 1105, a Bastard Sword +1, two Bandit Scalps). So a second approach is to deal with Crydemac first and return to Areana and then charm her for the gold and the gem.


A Contract Killing

