Baldur's Gate Wiki

Arcane magic can be used by Mages, Sorcerers and Bards. Below is a list of all arcane spells, sorted by the spell level.

Level 1:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw
Armor Conjuration Counts as a Scale Armor (AC 6) 0 9 hours 9 The Caster None [Harmless]
Blindness Illusion Blinds target (-4 for attack rolls and AC) 40 ft. 2 hours 2 1 creature Negates
Burning Hands Alteration Creates a burning cone in front of the Caster. 1d3 fire damage +2 for every casterlevel (1d3+20 max) 0 Instant 1 the caster 1/2 damage
Charm Person Enchantment

Take control of a man-sized (or smaller) humanoid.

Sight of caster 5 rounds 1 1 person


Chill Touch Necromancy 1d2 fist damage; if saving throw fails: 1d8 damage and -2THAC0 penalty for 5 rounds 0 instant/1 turn 1 the creature negates
Chromatic Orb Evocation See: Chromatic Orb 90ft. special 1 1 creature special
Color Spray Alteration Creates cone that hits 1d6 creatures within its area. All affected creatures with less than 4 Hit Dies are rendered unconsious. 50ft.


[5 rounds]

1 90 degree-arc special [negates]
Find Familiar Conjuration Summons a familiar, depending on Alignment See: Famliar n/a Special [permanent until Creature is killed] 9 1 familiar none [harmless]
Friends Enchantment +6 Charisma 0 1d4 rounds +1 round/level 1 The Caster none [harmless]
Grease Conjuration Creates a slippery area, Everyone in it must make a save vs Spells +2 every round or fall & slide. Thouse who succeed are still slowed while in the area 30 ft 3 rounds +1round/level 1 30ft radius special
Identify Divination Identifies a magic item 0 Instant special [instant] 1 item none [harmless]
Infravision Divination grants infravision 30 ft. 2 hours 1 1 creature none [harmless]
Larloch's Minor Drain Necromancy Target suffers 4 damage, caster healed by 4 hit points, all extra hitpoints lost after 1 turn 30 ft. special [instant] 1 1 creature none
Magic Missile Evocation Creates magic missiles that do 1d4+1 damage. for every 2 additional levels tha caster gains an additional missile up to 5 Visual range Instant 1 1 creature none
Protection from evil Abjuration Creates a barriar that gives -2 AC against evil and summoned demons can not target you Touch 2 rounds/level 1 1 creature none [harmless]
Protection from Petrification Abjuration Can not be petrified Touch 1 hour 1 1 creature none [harmless]
Reflected Image Illusion Creates a image of the caster. There is a 50% chance an enemy will hit the image instead of the caster. Image vanishes after being hit 0 3 rounds + 1 round/level 1 the caster none [harmless]
Shield Evocation creates a shield which gives the Caster AC 4 against melee and AC2 against missile weapons. Grants imunity from Magic Missiles 0 1 hour 1 the caster none [harmless]
Shocking Grasp Alteration the caster will try to hit an enemy with 1d2 fist damage and 1d8 electrical damage +1 electr. damage per level touch special 1 1 creature none
Sleep Enchantment All enemies within the radius that fail the saving throw and have less than 5 Hit Dice fall asleep Visual range 5 rounds/level 1 30ft radius negates
Spook Illusion See: Spook 30 feet 3 rounds 1 1 creature negates

Level 2:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw
Agannazar's Scorcher Evocation see: Agannazar's Scorcher 15ft. 1 rounds 3 2ft. by 15ft. jet none
Blur Illusion Attack rolls against the caster get a -3 penality and the caster gets a +1 on all Saving Throws 0 4rounds + 2 rounds/level 2 caster none [harmless]
Deafness Illusion target gets a 50% chance of spell failure. 180ft. special [permanent until dispelled] 2 1 creature negates
Detect Evil Divination Every evil character within the area will glow red. 0 instant 2 60ft. radius none
Detect Invisibility Divination

Shows invisibile npcs (magical and otherwise)

0 instant 2 70ft radius none
Ghoul Touch Necromancy After a sucesfull melee attack, the enemy is paralyzed for 5 rounds if the Saving Throw fails. 0 5 rounds 1 the caster negates
Glitterdust Conjuration All enemies within the area of effect must succeed a Saving Throw or get a -4 penality on attack and AC. They also become visable. 30ft 4 rounds 2 30ft negates
Horror Necromancy All enemies within the area of effect must suceed a Saving Throw or flee in terror. 40ft 1 turn 2 30ft radius negates
Invisibility Illusion The target becomes invisible until it attacks, casts a spell or does other things that break invisibility. the target can also no longer be the target of a spell. touch special 2 1 creature none [harmless]
Knock Alteration Opens a lock. visual range of the caster instant 1 locked door or chest none
Know Alignment Divination The target creature glows red if evil, green if good and white if neutral. 30 feet instant 9 1 creature negates
Luck Enchantment

The target gets +1 for all Saving Throws, attack rolls and minimum damage/healing rolls, as well as +5% for all thieving skills.

Additional all damage dices, aside from weapons base damage, are reduced by 1.

15ft 3 rounds 2 1 creature none [harmless]
Melf's Acid Arrow Evocation The target suffers 2d4 acid damage per round. 60ft 1 round/3 levels 2 1 creature none
Mirror Image Illusion Creates 2 to 8 images of the caster. An image vanishes after being hit. 0 3 rounds + 1 round/level 1 special none [harmless]
Power Word, Sleep Conjuration A creature with less than 20 HP falls into a comatose sleep. 90 ft. 5 rounds 1 1 creature none
Ray of Enfeeblement Enchantment Sets the targets Strength to 5. visual range of the caster 1 rounds/level 2 1 creature negates
Resist Fear Abjuration Raises moral value to maximum and dispells magic fear. 30ft 1 hour 1 30ft radius none [harmless]
Stinking Cloud Evocation See:Stinking Cloud 90ft. 1 turn 2 30ft radius negates
Strength Alteration

Sets the Strength of the target to 18/50.

If the target already had a 18/XX Strength than the percentages will be combined.

touch 1 turn/level 9 1 creature none [harmless]
Vocalize Alteration The caster can use magic even when silenced. 0 1 turn 2 the caster none [harmless]
Web Evocation See: Web 40ft. 1 turn 2 30ft. radius negates

Level 3:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 4:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 5:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 6:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 7:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 8:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw

Level 9:[]

Name School Effect Range Duration Casting Time Area of Effect Saving Throw