Baldur's Gate Wiki


Speak with Teera, a stallholder outside of the Ducal Palace and she will advise the player that she requires assistance depositing her days takings to her money lender outside of Sorcerous Sundries.


Travel to the streets outside the Elfsong Tavern, triggering the pickpocket Zelma to automatically speak with the player. Unless the conversation choice catching her as a pickpocket is selected, which will trigger combat, she will steal 50gp and leave.

Deliver Teera's days earnings to the money lender Senna, standing across the way from Sorcerous Sundries then return to Teera outside the Ducal Palace and inform her that her account has been updated.

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When accepting the quest, Teera says: "Thank you! Here's the money bag." However, instead of the unused Teera's Earnings, the party receives 50 gp from her to deliver, most likely to simplify the possible theft by Zeela and enable the option to use the party's own money to cover it.
