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The Abyssal Blade is an enchanted and magical two-handed sword that Dorn is able to obtain on his bloody path in Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition.

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword.


This sword's combat abilities can be further enhanced by empowering it with the souls of two specific demons:

Empowered with Ur-Gothoz[]

In addition to the sword's regular properties, the demon Ur-Gothoz has been bound within its blade. As he rages with demonic fury at his captivity, the sword is thus empowered.
  • +5 slashing damage vs. good aligned opponents.
  • +5 slashing damage vs. devils

Empowered with Azothet[]

In addition to the sword's regular properties, the demon Azothet has been bound within its blade. As she rages with demonic fury at her captivity, the sword is thus empowered.
  • +5 slashing damage vs. good aligned opponents.
  • +5 slashing damage vs.demons

Empowered with both Ur-Gothoz and Azothet[]

In addition to the sword's regular properties, two rival demons have been magically bound within its blade. As they rage with fury at both each other and against their captivity, they thus empower the blade.
  • +5 slashing damage vs. good aligned opponents.
  • +5 slashing damage vs. devils
  • +5 slashing damage vs. demons


Forged in the black heart of the Abyss by tanar'ri sorcerers for use in the eternal Blood War, this blade was once wielded by the infamous babau assassin Khazzrax the Gasping Death. Lore tells of a blade, black as the night, that Khazzrax would use to slash his victims open, causing fire to briefly flare out of the fresh wound.